Magic21, a 2-player card game based on Blackjack, is released!

Koya Tamura
4 min readMar 16, 2020


Imagine that wizards are playing blackjack. They can use magic power so they may return a card when they bust and they draw a card that they just want, like below:

(If you want to play Magic21 impulsively by this GIF, download Magic21 from here 😆)

What is this?

Magic21 is the online two-player card battle based on Blackjack. The difference with normal blackjack is that you can cast spells that may be game-changer.

At the beginning of the match, you are just an elementary wizard. But you can level you up while the match. To level you up, you need to spend your mana power. You can accumulate mana power by drawing a card. The more cards you draw, the more mana you get. But you should not bust. So you need to manage the risk, draw more cards? or stay.

You can get mana by drawing cards

Basically, the first cards of each player are face-down. That means you need to guess which card the opponent has. But do not worry. There is a shared deck that has cards that are numbered only 1 to 11. No doubles. You may guess the opponent’s face-down card easily.

You can see the cards you may draw.

There are several characters and a bunch of spells. Choose your favorite playstyle!

Now 3 characters are available. More are in the future!

Magic21 is an embodiment of life. To be successful, you need to have a good strategy, consider surround situations, believe your luck and feel momentum!

Why I create this game

Now e-sports are getting be a huge market. E-sports competitions are held constantly in all of the world's. For example, Epic Games held the Fortnite World Cup final whose prise is 3 million dollars. Actually I was excited to watch these videos and I will keep watching these kinds of videos.

Whereas, I do not play these games even after watching exciting streamings. There are two reasons why I don’t play them. First of all, these games are needed much money to play, such as high-spec PC or so many digital assets in the game are required. On the other hand, it is really hard to follow old-skillful players for new players. This is why I don’t play recent games even though I love playing video games.

Then I thought that what if there are people who think the as same as me? And what if I could provide the world where these people can get prizes by playing casual games. My idea is getting bigger and bigger.

The games and competition with a prize for these gamers

This is why I created Magic21. I’m going to experiment with my ideas using Magic21. I keep publishing my ideas, my experiments ant their results, and so on. If you are interested in my thoughts, follow me and give me feedback.

Wrap up

Thank you for reading the introduction of Magic21 and my future dream. Please download Magic21, and play it.

I also prepared the Discord server, please join!

I’m going to keep updating this game and more. Leave comments without hesitation 😃



Koya Tamura

Digital Board Games Creator. Bring unique fun board games into a digital world by using Unity and Firebase.