3 Suggestions about Topical Authority

Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR
6 min readFeb 5, 2024


Watch the Latest SEO Case Study from 1 week ago — the longest SEO Case Study as non-stop in NASDAQ.

A Semantic Content Network Launch and its first effects.

1. Semantics in SEO works via PageRank.

  • Do not think of Topical Authority vs. Links; it is Semantics and Links. Leverage your existing High PageRank web pages to distribute its ranking signals to inner pages.
  • You see here that an existing website leverages a new semantic content network, which enlarges from high PageRank points in the website.
  • Do not compare methods based on links to the methods based on textual optimizations. Link graphs have to be semantic, along with the content (on the web pages). Semantic SEO has to involve understanding link graphs to create better contextual flow for navigators, whether humans or bots.
  • PageRank flow increases when there is a topical similarity between the web pages. But still, not every link has to pass a PageRank via topical similarity. Sometimes, having high PageRank sources to link yourself helps for brand authority and trust, which helps for ranking higher again.
  • This is the reason that we have Source-Context in Koray’s Framework. If your Source Context is aligned with your topic and industry, any PageRank increase from a topically different but highly authoritative source will help you rank higher. If your source context is irrelevant to your topic, the high authority references, whether links or linkless mentions, won’t bring you closer to your industry’s central query networks.
  • The source in the screenshot leverages High PageRank web pages to expand the topical map to distribute the PageRank back to the newly created content.
  • Initial Rankings affect the re-ranking process. It is not Links vs Semantics; it is Links in Semantics.

2. Focus on site-wide n-grams to reflect your primary focus.

  • Distribute your topical entries and contextual phrases to reflect your primary topic. Create variative co-occurrence matrixes to signal a natural relevance. Use these co-occurrences to leverage distributional semantics.
  • Reflect the overall topicality of your source site-wide with universal elements such as footer, header, sidebar, and company definitions.
  • Align your topicality by helping search engines to gather information from every point on the web. If you have trust signals from social media platforms or investor directories, utilize them to define yourself as a higher-ground business.
  • If a company has over 1M investment, and investors are openly behind the source, it is a trust signal.
  • Create co-occurrences between your brand, investors, and topics-query forms you are targeting. Distribute contextual n-grams to your source to exceed relevance thresholds and create a relevance attribution from even-distant topics to your primary focus.
  • Without a primary focus on your website, you will lose one of the Broad Core Algorithm Updates or the Helpful Content Update. If you define your source as an engineering blog, engineering concepts, and perspectives should be reflected in your product reviews for targeted products or technology. If your source manufactures these products, your perspective should reflect it. According to this definition, change your n-grams, external references, and trust signals. If only you define yourself as an “engineer,” do not expect search engines to approve it. Read how we changed an “ex-wife” to “dentist” according to Google: https://www.holisticseo.digital/seo-research-study/entity-identity-management
  • Read how we helped Politicians in Turkey:

Results from SEMrush for the same website with a new semantic content network launch.

3. Do not chase traffic without having a true business purpose.

  • You will end up diluting your source-context, losing one of the BCAUs, and finding yourself while doing content pruning.
  • Chasing traffic without relevance and real business means the source is sponsored by paid links, content, reviews, or display ads. Commercial search engines look to actual firms to rank with responsibility.
  • A “Gossip Website” can be linked from everywhere, but if there is no truth in it, it won’t rank.
  • A “News Website” can open an affiliate segment and rank for millions of dollars worth of query networks without a problem through the months. But if their reviews are not supported by facts or contextual richness, and if products are irrelevant to their source context, they can lose their rankings after a Broad Core Algorithm Update for the news and affiliate segments.
  • If a News Source creates a sub-brand such as “Your Reviewer,” and if they define this sub-entity with their authors, it is easier to stay relevant with a new sub-source-context to the queries they target. Thus, many news sources use different designs, footers, headers, slightly different logos, and sometimes even sub-domains for these queries.
  • Creating sub-products or new sub-brands is helpful for you to improve your brand signals. Thus, in our coaching sessions, we demonstrated how we helped SaaS sources increase their rankings by creating product lines.
  • I did not publish it but checked the website move from Sunnyvalley.io to Zenarmor.com.

I decided to publish my future Holistic SEO Case Studies as books. Since they were already books, it is a better format of content. A new 30.000 words of case study is coming.

3 Facts about Topical Authority.

  • Unfortunately, the concept became a buzzword. Many SEOs try to claim that they measure it. Refrain from believing that anyone can measure TA with a tool. You can only predict it by neutralizing PageRank and simulating organic potential in a comparison way. Other extra ways can refine the prediction, but any penny you spend for the “measurement of TA” wastes money. Focus on the domain’s prioritization compared to others for a specific topic or query form.
  • Since the concept became a buzzword, many SaaS have contacted me by telling me we would give you equity, high commissions, etc. I reject them all.
  • Do not believe auto-generated topical maps. Most still need to learn how to create a topical map, yet still try to sell some of them. Asking ChatGPT for 20 types of X won’t give you a topical map about X.
  • If you focus on quick tricks and shiny objects, you must figure out what to do next.
  • The person who chases true knowledge for years makes more progress than those who look for shortcuts for years. Approach SEO as a true discipline to work on and focus on it. If you give SEO as a side hustle like “rank in 5 seconds”, you will survive on the SERP only for 5 seconds. I keep explaining TA over the 3 years. It could stay as a learning rather than a commercial concept. When someone claims Topical Authority is fake, I am the one who is blamed for it. Once Topical Authority is real, everyone tries to claim something random to explain it for quick monetization. To show that this is not about money, I closed my course 9 months ago and kept gifting it to the over 200 people who deserve it. I must tell you that people even respect you more when you show them your house or car, which is sad. I always focus people on skill, talent, and hard work. Thus, I will only share a little of my personal life here. Start focusing on learning and growing; money is a side-effect of your intelligence. If you always chase money with shortcuts, you will catch only frustration. Stay reason, logic, and hard work.

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Now, deep dive into the Generative AI Marketing and Business trends in 2024. Generative SEO is presented in my speeches throughout 2023, and they are all being added to our course now.

Via https://www.holisticseo.digital and https://topicalauthority.digital.



Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR

Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR is the Founder of Holistic SEO & Digital, and Holistic SEO Communuties which innovate SEO Industry constantly and continiously.