Creating a TODO app using GoKit-CLI

Kujtim Hoxha
11 min readOct 14, 2017


Creating a microservices based application for a TODO app is probably an overkill, but I think it will serve as a good example of how you can use Go kit and GoKit-CLI to make it a much easier and faster process.

What should the TODO app do?

1. It should show existing todos.
2. It should allow users to add new todos.
3. It should allow users to mark todo’s as done.
4. It should allow users to delete todos.

Let’s start with the basics.

To create the app I am going to use a great Go library that will make our lives easier called Go kit (to learn more about Go kit visit, besides that, I have also created a CLI tool that helps with some boilerplate code and will speed up the process.

For the frontend I will use an existing Angular demo app and modify it to use our services.
You can find the original version at jvandemo/angular2-todo-app.
And the modified one at kujtimiihoxha/todo-demo

I will not go in-depth with how the Angular app works, since it only servers as a means to visualize what we are doing.

I assume that you already have go installed and setup so start by getting the necessary libraries.

Install GoKit-CLI:

go get

The service will also use a package manager called glide so let’s install it also:

curl | sh

More about glide: Masterminds/glide

GoKit-CLI will only work if your project is inside your $GOPATH so create a project folder and cd into it with your terminal.

Inside that directory initiate glide :

glide init

Now install Go kit:

glide get

Create a new service using kit

kit new service todokit n s todo # using aliases

This will generate the main folder structure and the service interface:



package service

// TodoService describes the service.
TodoService interface {
// Add your methods here
// e.x: Foo(ctx context.Context,s string)(rs string, err error)

In this interface we will define all of our service endpoints, first, let’s create a structure that will represent a todo .



package io

import ""

type Todo struct {
Id bson.ObjectId `json:"id" bson:"_id"`
Title string `json:"title" bson:"title"`
Complete bool `json:"complete" bson:"complete"`

func (t Todo) String() string {
b, err := json.Marshal(t)
if err != nil {
return "unsupported value type"
return string(b)

We will be using mongo for this example that’s why we use a bson.ObjectId as the todo ID.

Now define our endpoints.

import (


// TodoService describes the service.
TodoService interface {
Get(ctx context.Context) (t []io.Todo, error error)
Add(ctx context.Context, todo io.Todo) (t io.Todo, error error)
SetComplete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error)
RemoveComplete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error)
Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error)

This is all that kit needs to create the service.

kit g s todo -w --gorilla

-w generate some default service middleware.

--gorilla use gorilla/mux instead of the default http handler for the http transport.

kit will generate the following file structure

|----------server.go Wire the service.
|----------server_gen.go Also wire the service.
|------main.go Runs the service
|----------endpoint.go The endpoint logic.
|----------endpoint_gen.go This will wire the endpoints.
|----------middleware.go Endpoint middleware
|----------handler.go Transport logic encode/decode data.
|----------handler_gen.go This will wire the transport.
|----------io.go The input output structs.
|----------middleware.go The service middleware.
|----------service.go Business logic.

As it is right now the service can be run without any code change.

glide get
glide get


go run todo/cmd/main.go

service starts

ts=2017-10-14T16:51:40.595461383Z caller=service.go:78 tracer=none
ts=2017-10-14T16:51:40.595866216Z caller=service.go:100 transport=HTTP addr=:8081
ts=2017-10-14T16:51:40.595893015Z caller=service.go:134 transport=debug/HTTP addr=:8080

But the service wont do to much without implementing the business logic, so lets install the MongoDB driver and move on from there.

glide get

Create our session:



package db

import (
mgo ""

var mgoSession *mgo.Session
var mongo_conn_str = "mongodb:27017"

// Creates a new session if mgoSession is nil i.e there is no active mongo session.
//If there is an active mongo session it will return a Clone
GetMongoSession() (*mgo.Session, error) {
if mgoSession == nil {
var err error
mgoSession, err = mgo.Dial(mongo_conn_str)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mgoSession.Clone(), nil

Now lets edit all the service endpoints:


kit will create the Get endpoint implementation in todo/pkg/service/service.go like:

func (b *basicTodoService) Get(ctx context.Context) (t []io.Todo, error error) {
// TODO implement the business logic of Get
t, error

Now lets implement it:

func (b *basicTodoService) Get(ctx context.Context) (t []io.Todo, error error) {
session, err := db.GetMongoSession()
if err != nil {
return t, err
defer session.Close()
c := session.DB("todo_app").C("todos")
error = c.Find(nil).All(&t)
return t, error

We also need to update todo/http/handler.go so we expect a GET request and that the request is decoded properly:


// makeGetHandler creates the handler logic
makeGetHandler(m *mux.Router, endpoints endpoint.Endpoints, options []http.ServerOption) {
)(http.NewServer(endpoints.GetEndpoint, decodeGetRequest, encodeGetResponse, options...)))


// makeGetHandler creates the handler logic
makeGetHandler(m *mux.Router, endpoints endpoint.Endpoints, options []http.ServerOption) {
)(http.NewServer(endpoints.GetEndpoint, decodeGetRequest, encodeGetResponse, options...)),


// decodeGetResponse  is a transport/http.DecodeRequestFunc that decodes a
// JSON-encoded request from the HTTP request body.
decodeGetRequest(_ context.Context, r *http1.Request) (interface{}, error) {
req := endpoint.GetRequest{}
err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&req)
req, nil


// decodeGetResponse  is a transport/http.DecodeRequestFunc that decodes a
// JSON-encoded request from the HTTP request body.
decodeGetRequest(_ context.Context, r *http1.Request)(interface{}, error) {
req := endpoint.GetRequest{}
return req, nil

(editing the decoder is necessary because the request does not have any body)


Same as for the Get endpoint kit will implement an empty function for Add .
Implement it like:

func (b *basicTodoService) Add(ctx context.Context, todo io.Todo) (t io.Todo, error error) {
todo.Id = bson.NewObjectId()
session, err := db.GetMongoSession()
if err != nil {
return t, err
defer session.Close()
c := session.DB("todo_app").C("todos")
error = c.Insert(&todo)
return todo, error

and update the handler:

// makeAddHandler creates the handler logic
makeAddHandler(m *mux.Router, endpoints endpoint.Endpoints, options []http.ServerOption) {
m.Methods("POST", "OPTIONS").Path("/add").Handler(
handlers.AllowedHeaders([]string{"Content-Type", "Content-Length"}),
)(http.NewServer(endpoints.AddEndpoint, decodeAddRequest, encodeAddResponse, options...)))

So we accept POST and OPTIONS method because our request will be a CORS request.

We also need to add any additional Header we allow using AllowHeaders.



func (b *basicTodoService) SetComplete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error) {
session, err := db.GetMongoSession()
if err != nil {
return err
defer session.Close()
c := session.DB("todo_app").C("todos")
return c.Update(bson.M{"_id": bson.ObjectIdHex(id)}, bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"complete": true}})


// makeSetCompleteHandler creates the handler logic
makeSetCompleteHandler(m *mux.Router, endpoints endpoint.Endpoints, options []http.ServerOption) {
m.Methods("PUT", "OPTIONS").Path("/set-complete").Handler(
handlers.AllowedHeaders([]string{"Content-Type", "Content-Length"}),
)(http.NewServer(endpoints.SetCompleteEndpoint, decodeSetCompleteRequest, encodeSetCompleteResponse, options...)))



func (b *basicTodoService) RemoveComplete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error) {
session, err := db.GetMongoSession()
if err != nil {
return err
defer session.Close()
c := session.DB("todo_app").C("todos")
return c.Update(bson.M{"_id": bson.ObjectIdHex(id)}, bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"complete": false}})


// makeRemoveCompleteHandler creates the handler logic
makeRemoveCompleteHandler(m *mux.Router, endpoints endpoint.Endpoints, options []http.ServerOption) {
m.Methods("PUT", "OPTIONS").Path("/remove-complete").Handler(
handlers.AllowedHeaders([]string{"Content-Type", "Content-Length"}),
)(http.NewServer(endpoints.RemoveCompleteEndpoint, decodeRemoveCompleteRequest, encodeRemoveCompleteResponse, options...)))



func (b *basicTodoService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error) {
session, err := db.GetMongoSession()
if err != nil {
return err
defer session.Close()
c := session.DB("todo_app").C("todos")
return c.Remove(bson.M{"_id": bson.ObjectIdHex(id)})


// makeDeleteHandler creates the handler logic
makeDeleteHandler(m *mux.Router, endpoints endpoint.Endpoints, options []http1.ServerOption) {
m.Methods("DELETE", "OPTIONS").Path("/delete/{id}").Handler(
handlers.AllowedHeaders([]string{"Content-Type", "Content-Length"}),
)(http1.NewServer(endpoints.DeleteEndpoint, decodeDeleteRequest, encodeDeleteResponse, options...)))

we also want to update the decoder for delete since we will give the id of the todo in the url /delete/{id}

// decodeDeleteResponse  is a transport/http.DecodeRequestFunc that decodes a
// JSON-encoded request from the HTTP request body.
decodeDeleteRequest(_ context.Context, r *http1.Request) (interface{}, error) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
id, ok := vars["id"]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("not a valid ID")
req := endpoint.DeleteRequest{
Id: id,
return req, nil

Running the service

Now the service is ready to be used. If you want to start the service its pretty easy kit has already created the main file and has wired your service together, you just have to run it:

go run todo/cmd/main.go

One thing to keep in mind is that you need to startup a mongo server and specify the address in db.go

Using kit and docker

An easier way to startup your services is using kit and docker . Kit has a build in command that will generate your services Dockerfile and it will create a docker-compose.yml configuration file so you can use docker-compose and run your containers.

Run the generate docker command from the project folder.

kit g d --glide # we use the glide flag so that we use glide dependency manager.

This will generate:


FROM golang

RUN mkdir -p /go/src/

ADD . /go/src/

RUN curl | sh
RUN go get
RUN go install

RUN cd /go/src/ && glide install

ENTRYPOINT watcher -run -watch

This dockerfile is setup so that it will use watcher a nice little tool that will rebuild your services every time you change something in your source this makes development much easier and you don’t have to constantly restart your containers.

Docker Compose Config

version: "2"
context: .
dockerfile: todo/Dockerfile
restart: always
- .:/go/src/
container_name: todo
- 8800:8081
command: mongod --smallfiles --logpath=/dev/null
container_name: mongodb
- MONGO_DATA_DIR=/data/db
- MONGO_LOG_DIR=/dev/null
image: mongo:latest
- 27017:27017

kit will generate the service configurations for todo and I added mongo manually.

With all this setup you can run docker-compose up and your service will be up and running, you can now start the frontend by running ng serve inside kujtimiihoxha/todo-demo project.

After you run docker-compose up you should see that the container for your service will be build and your service will run like :

Attaching to mongodb, todo
todo | 2017/10/14 17:02:05 build started
todo | Building
todo | 2017/10/14 17:02:17 build completed
todo | Running
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:02:17.239114284Z caller=service.go:78 tracer=none
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:02:17.239586923Z caller=service.go:100 transport=HTTP addr=:8081
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:02:17.239849812Z caller=service.go:134 transport=debug/HTTP addr=:8080

you can access your service at http://localhost:8800 and the UI athttp://localhost:4200.
One thing to keep in mind is that dockerfile and docker-compose.yml are not meant to be used in production they are only created to help with the development of the app.

The final app

The todo app in action

And while we update the todos in the UI the service will generate logs from the default middleware

todo       | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:28.927066705Z caller=middleware.go:34 method=Add todo="{\"id\":\"\",\"title\":\"Todo\",\"complete\":false}" t="{\"id\":\"59e248107a74bb05eaaeffd4\",\"title\":\"Todo\",\"complete\":false}" error=null
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:28.927197649Z caller=middleware.go:33 method=Add transport_error=null took=2.686717ms
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:33.055004163Z caller=middleware.go:34 method=Add todo="{\"id\":\"\",\"title\":\"My Todo\",\"complete\":false}" t="{\"id\":\"59e248157a74bb05eaaeffd5\",\"title\":\"My Todo\",\"complete\":false}" error=null
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:33.055088163Z caller=middleware.go:33 method=Add transport_error=null took=611.675µs
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:33.999898829Z caller=middleware.go:40 method=SetComplete id=59e248157a74bb05eaaeffd5 error=null
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:34.000022283Z caller=middleware.go:33 method=SetComplete transport_error=null took=844.4µs
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:34.414960398Z caller=middleware.go:40 method=SetComplete id=59e248107a74bb05eaaeffd4 error=null
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:34.415056584Z caller=middleware.go:33 method=SetComplete transport_error=null took=919.311µs
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:35.363194608Z caller=middleware.go:52 method=Delete id=59e248107a74bb05eaaeffd4 error=null
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:35.363305377Z caller=middleware.go:33 method=Delete transport_error=null took=668.209µs
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:36.988528346Z caller=middleware.go:46 method=RemoveComplete id=59e248157a74bb05eaaeffd5 error=null
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:36.988574891Z caller=middleware.go:33 method=RemoveComplete transport_error=null took=644.037µs
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:37.872750792Z caller=middleware.go:52 method=Delete id=59e248157a74bb05eaaeffd5 error=null
todo | ts=2017-10-14T17:23:37.872830897Z caller=middleware.go:33 method=Delete transport_error=null took=533.468µs

Other features

A good thing about kit is that it can be used while you are developing and not only for one time project creation.

Generate new service endpoints

A common thing that happens is that you want to add a new endpoint to your service that you did not think of in the beginning, kit makes it very easy to do that you just add the endpoint definition inside the service interface and rerun the generate command

// TodoService describes the service.
TodoService interface {
Get(ctx context.Context) (t []io.Todo, error error)
Add(ctx context.Context, todo io.Todo) (t io.Todo, error error)
SetComplete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error)
RemoveComplete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error)
Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error)
#Example we want to add a get by id method.
GetById(ctx context.Context, id string) (t io.Todo, error error)

Then run:

kit g s todo --gorilla -w

kit will then create everything that is missing for the new endpoint and recreate the _gen files, this will not override any change you made in the non _gen files.

Add new middleware

kit also supports generating new service middleware, the generator will create the boilerplate code for you but because kit can not possible know what parameters your middleware needs you will have to add them manually to your middleware and then add the middleware to your service.

Lets say we want to add an auth middleware to our service.

kit g m auth -s todo

this will generate the boilerplate code inside todo/service/middleware.go:

type authMiddleware struct {
next TodoService

// AuthMiddleware returns a TodoService Middleware.
AuthMiddleware() Middleware {
return func(next TodoService) TodoService {
return &authMiddleware{next}

func (a authMiddleware) Get(ctx context.Context) (t []io.Todo, error error) {
// Implement your middleware logic here

func (a authMiddleware) Add(ctx context.Context, todo io.Todo) (t io.Todo, error error) {
// Implement your middleware logic here

return, todo)
func (a authMiddleware) SetComplete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error) {
// Implement your middleware logic here

return, id)
func (a authMiddleware) RemoveComplete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error) {
// Implement your middleware logic here

return, id)
func (a authMiddleware) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (error error) {
// Implement your middleware logic here

return, id)

If you want to add an endpoint middleware just add the -e flag

kit g m auth -s todo -e

and that will generate the boilerplate code inside todo/endpoints/middleware.go

// AuthMiddleware returns an endpoint middleware
AuthMiddleware() endpoint.Middleware {
return func(next endpoint.Endpoint) endpoint.Endpoint {
return func(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (response interface{}, err error) {
// Add your middleware logic here
next(ctx, request)

Now to add your middleware to your service you will need to edit todo/cmd/service/service.go#getServiceMiddleware and todo/cmd/service/service.go#getEndpointMiddleware functions.

func getServiceMiddleware(logger log.Logger) (mw []service.Middleware) {
mw = []service.Middleware{}
mw = addDefaultServiceMiddleware(logger, mw)
// My auth middleware
mw = append(mw, service.AuthMiddleware())
func getEndpointMiddleware(logger log.Logger) (mw map[string][]endpoint1.Middleware) {
mw = map[string][]endpoint1.Middleware{}
duration := prometheus.NewSummaryFrom(prometheus1.SummaryOpts{
Help: "Request duration in seconds.",
Name: "request_duration_seconds",
Namespace: "example",
Subsystem: "todo",
}, []string{"method", "success"})
addDefaultEndpointMiddleware(logger, duration, mw)
// My auth middleware

for adding the endpoint middleware I am using a small helper function inside todo/cmd/service/service_gen.go that will add the middleware to all the endpoints if you want to add the middleware to only specific endpoints you can do that by:

func getEndpointMiddleware(logger log.Logger) (mw map[string][]endpoint1.Middleware) {
mw = map[string][]endpoint1.Middleware{}
duration := prometheus.NewSummaryFrom(prometheus1.SummaryOpts{
Help: "Request duration in seconds.",
Name: "request_duration_seconds",
Namespace: "example",
Subsystem: "todo",
}, []string{"method", "success"})
addDefaultEndpointMiddleware(logger, duration, mw)
// My auth middleware only for the "Get" method
mw["Get"] = append(mw["Get"], endpoint.AuthMiddleware())

Add GRPC transport

If you want to add the GRPC transport to your service you just rerun the generate command using -t grpc.

kit g s todo -w -t grpc

Since GRPC has some extra stuff you need to take care of kit will create your basic GRPC setup and will give you further instructions on how to complete the generation.

You can find all the source code of the todo service in GitHub kujtimiihoxha/todo-gokit-demo

And you can find out more about GoKit-CLI here kujtimiihoxha/kit



Kujtim Hoxha

Software/Electronics engineer. Co-Founder & CTO @ DevStride.