Types of Communication in LWC


Photo by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash

3 types of Communication :

Parent to Child

Child to Parent


Parent to Child :

A. Pass Data to child — (On load)

Add @api to variable in child component.

B. Pass data to child — (Through Method)

Add @api to method in child component.

Use this syntax in parent -

this.template.querySelector(‘c-child comp’).childMethod(event.target.value);

Child to Parent :

1. Create & Dispatch ‘Custom Event’ in child component.

2. Catch the event in Parent, by appending ‘on’ before event name.

Unrelated Components :

1. Create a ‘Lightning Message Channel’ first.

2. Publish function in one LWC

3. Subscribe function in second LWC

this.handleMessage is just any other method. Just passing ‘message’ to that method.

