Spring Boot’s AOP: Simplifying Cross-Cutting Concerns

Prabhakar Kulkarni
5 min readOct 17, 2023


Springs AOP


What is Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP)?

Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is like having a personal assistant for your code. It helps with repetitive tasks that spread across your program, such as logging & other things without making your original code messy.

Why Use AOP?

1. Improved Code Modularity: AOP allows you to neatly separate concerns that cut across different parts of your code.

2. DRY Principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself): AOP lets you apply the same functionality, like logging or error handling, in multiple places without duplicating code.

3. Enhanced Maintenance: With AOP, if you need to change something common, like the way errors are handled, you make the change in one place (the aspect), and it’s automatically applied everywhere it’s needed.

4. Focus on Business Logic: AOP allows you to focus on the core business logic of your application by abstracting away cross-cutting concerns.

5. Reusability: Aspects are like reusable tools. You can use them across different projects or in various parts of the same project. This saves time and effort in the long run.

Springs AOP

How does Spring AOP work?

Assume AOP as your personal assistant in your code, which helps you with repetitive tasks. Now here’s how it works ;

  • Aspects: Think of aspects as your trusty assistant. They’re there to manage these common tasks.
  • Advice: These are tasks you delegate to your assistant. For example, “Hey, please keep track of everything that happens here.”
  • Pointcuts: Pointcuts are like the instructions you give to your assistant, telling them where to focus. You might say, “Concentrate on these areas and apply the task there.”
  • Join Points: Join points are like the specific moments when your assistant takes action. These are the “when” of the tasks, like “at the start of every meeting.”

It’s like having an extra pair of hands that know exactly when and where to help you out.


Below is a practical example of Spring AOP, from configuration to implementation:

To enable Spring AOP in your Spring Boot application, you need to add the following configuration to your pom.xml file:

Once you have added this dependency, you need to enable AOP auto-proxying. You can do this by adding the following configuration to your application.properties file:

AOP auto-proxying is a mechanism that Spring provides to automatically create proxy objects for the classes that are annotated with AOP aspects. These proxy objects intercept method calls to the original beans (the objects you want to apply aspects to) and apply the specified aspects before, after, or around the method execution.


Let’s say we want to implement a logging aspect that logs the execution of all methods in our application. To do this, we would first create an Aspect class:

The @Aspect annotation tells Spring that this class is an aspect. The @Around annotation tells Spring to execute the logMethodExecution() advice method before and after the execution of all methods that match the specified pointcut expression.

The pointcut expression in this example matches all methods in all classes in the com.example.myapp package.

Now that we have created our aspect, we need to register it with Spring. We can do this by adding the following configuration to our application.properties file:

This configuration tells Spring to use CGLIB proxies to create proxies for the advised beans. This is necessary because we are using the @Around advice type, which requires CGLIB proxies.


Once we have configured and registered our logging aspect, we can use it to log the execution of all methods in our application. For example, the following code shows a simple service class:

When we call the doSomething() method on the MyService bean, the logging aspect will be executed before and after the method call. This will log the following output to the console:

This is just a simple example of how to use Spring AOP. Spring AOP can be used to implement a wide variety of cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, caching, security, and transaction management.


  • Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that allows you to modularize cross-cutting concerns.
  • Spring AOP is a powerful framework for implementing AOP in Spring Boot applications.
  • Spring AOP is configured using annotations or XML.

Best practices for using Spring AOP include:

  • Keeping aspects focused on a single cross-cutting concern.
  • Avoid using AOP to change the core functionality of your application.
  • Use pointcut expressions to precisely target the join points where you want to apply your advice.
  • Testing your aspects thoroughly.


Happy AOPing ;)

