Why I love taking Road trips

Umme Kulsoom Khatri
2 min readJun 22, 2022

Road trips are the best when it comes to having random conversations with strangest of people that you know you won’t meet ever again. I have had some meaningful, emotional and fund talks with people who I travelled with during long haul trips in Pakistan. I always preferred taking bus trips over train or going by air. Not only it saved me money but also helped me look at life from a different perspective altogether.

Picture taken on my road trip from Chicago to Missouri. Copyrights Umme Kulsoom

Its always a great idea to take an interstate trip in your vehicle. You have the liberty to stop wherever you like and make the most out of it. What I love the most about it is experiencing nature in its purest form. I have taken stops just to capture that one beautiful sunset or wake up early enough to catch the first ray of the sun! I think I am obsessed with capturing sunsets. For me, its not just a picture on my phone. Its a memory and a blessing that I can reflect upon. It helps me grounding myself more. These sunset pictures help me understand the importance of present moments and valuing every single second of it as its going to become past soon enough than we realize.

Picture taken on a road trip from Lahore to Peshawar, Pakistan back in 2018. Copyrights Umme Kulsoom

Some of the most profound and innovative ideas come across my mind during my road trips. I am yet to figure out how…



Umme Kulsoom Khatri

Chicago based Communications Consultant, Entrepreneur running handicrafts and South Asian food ventures, Writings on Food, Mental health and Cyber psychology.