Building a Stronger Foundation: Support for Immigrants and Refugees in the US

kulsum zehra
4 min readDec 14, 2023


The United States has a rich history of providing refuge for those fleeing persecution, war, and violence. The country is known as the land of opportunities and over the years it has accepted people from everywhere.

Support for Immigrants and Refugees in the US

Nations’ Approach to Support Refugees

The nation’s approach to refugee admissions has evolved, reflecting changing global dynamics and domestic priorities. From the aftermath of World War II to the present day, the U.S. has played a crucial role in defining protections for refugees under international humanitarian law.

The U.S. has accepted refugees for more than seventy-five years, with the Refugee Act of 1980 establishing a standardized system for identifying, vetting, and resettling prospective refugees. While the number of refugees admitted annually has varied, recent years have seen a downward trend, particularly during the Trump administration.

President Biden has pledged to reverse this trend, increasing the annual admissions cap and introducing initiatives like the Welcome Corps to involve U.S. citizens in privately sponsoring and supporting refugees

Challenges and Changes over Time

The U.S. refugee system has changed in response to geopolitical events, such as the Syrian conflict and the migration crisis in Europe, leading to increased scrutiny of arrivals from the Middle East. The number of refugees admitted annually has fluctuated, with President Biden working to rebuild and expand the U.S. refugee program.

Screening and Approval Process

The U.S. State Department, in collaboration with various agencies, manages the rigorous screening process for refugees. Applicants undergo security checks, including biometric screening, to ensure national security. The entire admissions process takes between eighteen months and two years, emphasizing the importance of thorough vetting. Government agencies involved include the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

Refugee Resettlement

Refugees are resettled across forty-nine U.S. states, with certain states consistently taking in higher numbers. Texas, California, New York, Kentucky, and Washington have been key players in refugee resettlement. Domestic resettlement agencies, often faith-based organizations, play a crucial role in coordinating logistics and providing support for refugees, with federal law requiring consultation with local authorities.

Support and Challenges

While the U.S. has a long-standing tradition of welcoming refugees, support for immigrants and refugees has faced challenges. State and local governments have occasionally voiced concerns, complicating the resettlement process which requires refugees and immigrants to take support from Jalloh’s Upright Global Immigration Services. However, the Biden administration’s commitment to rebuilding the refugee program and allocating additional funds demonstrates a renewed effort to overcome these challenges and strengthen support systems.

Security Concerns

Studies show that the current vetting procedures have been effective, and critics argue against painting refugees as security risks. President Biden’s commitment to improving the vetting process reflects a balanced approach that prioritizes both security and humanitarian considerations.

As the U.S. navigates its role in providing refuge and immigrants a growing recognition of the importance Jalloh’s Upright Global Immigration Services creates a smooth process.

Why Choose Jalloh’s Upright Services of NC

Operating under 8 C.F.R. § 1292.1(a)(4), JUS-NC is not merely an immigration service provider; it is a Department of Justice accredited entity committed to facilitating a seamless integration and settlement process for the immigrant community in North Carolina. As an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, JUS-NC ensures individuals receive high-quality, low or no-cost services delivered with professionalism and empathy.

Comprehensive Support Beyond Immigration:

JUS-NC’s approach goes beyond legal services. Through strategic partnerships, the organization offers a diverse range of programs and services, including employment assistance, education support, housing guidance, tax preparation, civic engagement, and mentorships. Jalloh’s Upright Services of NC stands as a one-stop resource for immigrants seeking a better life in the United States.

Expert Consulting Services

Backed by a team of experienced consultants, Jalloh’s Upright Services of North Carolina provides expert guidance on various aspects of immigration, including visas, residency permits, relocation services, and more. The organization’s commitment to a professional yet empathetic approach ensures individuals are supported throughout their journey towards realizing their American Dream.

Embarking on the journey towards U.S. citizenship or securing a work visa demands the right guidance. Jalloh’s Upright Services of North Carolina invites individuals to take the first step towards their American Dream by reaching out for expert consultation. Whether seeking immigration advice, employment opportunities, or comprehensive settlement services, JUS-NC is here to guide through every step.

Contact Jalloh’s Upright Services of North Carolina and get ready to fly.

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Article was written by — Copywriter Salary

