Make a Relation of People through your designs

Every Professional Designers Secret Process For Designing

kultar Singh
4 min readJun 16, 2016

by Kultar Singh Kalsi

Every beginning designer start their professional journey with the motive of making great clients in their way. But question arises, Which Process will satisfy high budget clients needs!!!

Web design can also be seen from a technological standpoint. It has become a large part of people’s everyday lives. It is hard to imagine the Internet without animated graphics, different styles of typography, background and music.

User understanding of the content of a website often depends on user understanding of how the website works. This is part of the user experience design. User experience is related to layout, clear instructions and labeling on a website. How well a user understands how they can interact on a site may also depend on the interactive design of the site.

“There are three responses to a piece of design — yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” -Milton Glaser

This list is intended to be a shortlist of the Process which every Designer uses for every high budget client. Check it out Below:

01 — Start Research for Topic of Project

Research Process

Doing the research is relatively simple; it is the task of trying to understand and apply the research to benefit your project that is not easy. There are numerous methods to go about doing research. However, regardless of the method used to gather the research needed, it is a process that cannot and should not be avoided.

Research is the much need spark that will infuse and breathe added life and meaning into your designs and creative processes. This article will explore the steps you can take to develop a good research habit prior to the start of any design project.

02— Designer Starts making Wireframes & Ideas

Wireframe & Idea Process

After sketching, there is one final thing you should work on before starting to design (although, admittedly, this is all part of designing). Wireframing is essentially a visual guide to a website which helps you to look at layout without thinking about the aesthetics of the project.

How a wireframe should look will vary wildly, depending on who you talk to. You have many options when creating wireframes — from the way you display your wireframes, to the software you create them with.

When creating your wireframes, you need to be working with layout and with the content that you’ve previously curated. The idea of a wireframe — as a deliverable to a client, or just as an extra step you’d prefer to take — is to be able to display the visual layout and flow of a website page, before you get bogged down with the design details such as colour, typography or any other visual flairs.

Tools which can be used — Balsamiq Mockups , Axure, InDesign CC, Photoshop CC

03 — Converts Wireframes into Interaction Designs

Designing the Wireframes

The design stage typically involves moving the information outlined in the planning stage further into reality. The main deliverables are a documented site structure and, more importantly, a visual representation. Upon completion of the design phase, the website should more or less have taken shape, but for the absence of the content and special features.

This is where the visual layout of the website begins to take shape. Using information gathered from the client in the planning phase, begin designing the layout using a wireframe. Pencil and paper are surprisingly helpful during this phase, although many tools are online to aid as well.

Designing mock-ups in Photoshop allows for relatively easy modification, it keeps the design elements organized in layers, and it primes you for slicing and coding when the time later on.

Tools which can be used — Sketch, Photoshop CC, Marvel, Webflow

04— Converts Designs into Prototypes

Prototyping the Design

Prototypes range from rough paper sketches to interactive simulations that look and function like the final product. The keys to successful rapid prototyping are revising quickly based on feedback and using the appropriate prototyping approach. Rapid prototyping helps teams experiment with multiple approaches and ideas, it facilitates discussion through visuals instead of words, it ensures that everyone shares a common understanding, and it reduces risk and avoids missed requirements, leading to a better design faster.

Convert the users’ description of the solution into mock-ups, factoring in user experience standards and best practices.

Tools which can be used — InVision, Justinmind, Marvel, Origami, Pixate

After completing All these 4 Steps. Designs are finally sent to Development Team which then converts Our Designs into html/css/js.

At Last I just wanna say one thing to Starters. Always try to get better & never stop learning. Learn from your mistakes & make your every dream come true.

“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” –Sir Ken Robinson

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