Money as Energy: The Dynamic Flow of Wealth in the Cosmos

Kulwant Saluja
5 min readNov 10, 2023


Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Money, often perceived as a static medium of exchange, is increasingly being recognized as something far more dynamic and fluid — an energetic force that permeates every aspect of our lives. The idea of “money as energy” is not a new concept; rather, it represents a shift in perspective, inviting us to view wealth not merely as a tangible currency but as a vibrant, flowing force that influences and shapes our existence.

The Traditional View of Money

Traditionally, money has been viewed as a means of transaction, a unit of account, and a store of value. It’s a tool that facilitates the exchange of goods and services, a measure of wealth, and a way to save and transfer value across time and space. This conventional understanding, while practical, tends to overlook the deeper, interconnected aspects of money and its relationship to the broader fabric of our lives.

The Energetic Perspective

The concept of money as energy draws inspiration from various ancient philosophies and modern holistic approaches that view the universe as an interconnected web of energy. In this context, money is not merely a static object but a dynamic force that flows through the intricate tapestry of existence. Just as energy circulates through the ecosystem, money circulates through the economy, influencing and shaping the experiences of individuals and societies.

Energy Flow and Abundance

One way to understand money as energy is to liken it to the flow of energy in the natural world. In the same way that energy sustains life by moving through ecosystems, money sustains economies by circulating through various channels. When the flow is smooth and abundant, it nourishes the economic landscape, fostering growth, innovation, and prosperity. On the other hand, when the flow stagnates or is unevenly distributed, it can lead to economic imbalances and challenges.

The Law of Attraction

The concept of the law of attraction, popularized in the realm of personal development, aligns with the idea of money as energy. According to this law, like attracts like, suggesting that the energy you emit into the universe attracts similar energy back to you. Applied to the context of money, this means that your thoughts, beliefs, and actions around money contribute to the energetic flow of wealth in your life.

The Human Energetic Connection to Money

Money is not just an external force; it’s intimately tied to our individual and collective energies. Our attitudes, beliefs, and emotions about money contribute to the energetic environment in which financial transactions occur. Understanding this connection allows us to explore ways in which we can align our energies with the flow of abundance.

Money Mindset and Vibrational Energy

Our beliefs about money create a vibrational frequency that influences our financial experiences. A positive and abundant mindset can attract opportunities, while a scarcity mindset may repel them. By cultivating a healthy and positive money mindset, individuals can tap into the energetic currents of abundance, opening themselves up to new possibilities and financial prosperity.

Emotional Resonance and Financial Well-being

Emotions play a significant role in the energetic exchange of money. Positive emotions like gratitude, joy, and generosity can enhance the flow of wealth, creating a harmonious exchange. Conversely, negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, or greed can disrupt the energetic flow, leading to financial challenges. Managing our emotions and cultivating a balanced approach to money can contribute to a healthier financial ecosystem.

Money in Motion: Investments and Circulation

Investments and financial transactions are key aspects of the dynamic flow of money. From a traditional perspective, investments involve allocating capital to generate returns. From an energetic standpoint, investments represent a conscious participation in the flow of financial energy. Whether it’s investing in stocks, real estate, or entrepreneurship, the choices we make regarding our money can influence the broader energetic currents of wealth.

Entrepreneurship as Energy Creation

Entrepreneurship, in particular, can be viewed as a powerful way to generate and channel financial energy. Entrepreneurs, by creating businesses and providing value to society, contribute to the overall abundance of the economic ecosystem. The success of an entrepreneurial venture is not only measured in monetary terms but also in the positive impact it has on the energetic flow of wealth within a community.

Impact Investing and Conscious Capitalism

The rise of impact investing and conscious capitalism reflects a growing awareness of the energetic impact of financial decisions. Investors are increasingly seeking opportunities that align with their values and contribute positively to society and the environment. This intentional approach to investing recognizes the interconnectedness of financial decisions and their broader impact on the energetic balance of the world.

Money and Spirituality

The connection between money and spirituality is a rich and complex one. Traditionally, spiritual teachings have often emphasized the importance of non-attachment to material wealth. However, the concept of money as energy introduces a nuanced perspective that acknowledges the role of money in facilitating positive change and supporting spiritual growth.

Abundance and Spiritual Growth

Contrary to the notion that spirituality and material wealth are mutually exclusive, the concept of money as energy suggests that wealth can be a tool for spiritual growth. When approached with mindfulness and a sense of purpose, money can be a means to express one’s values, support meaningful causes, and contribute to the well-being of others. This alignment of financial goals with spiritual principles creates a harmonious relationship between money and personal growth.

Mindful Spending and Conscious Consumption

Practicing mindful spending and conscious consumption is a way to align our financial choices with our spiritual values. By directing our money toward products and services that reflect ethical and sustainable practices, we contribute to the positive energetic flow within the global economy. This approach extends beyond personal gain to encompass the well-being of the planet and future generations.

Overcoming Blocks to the Flow

Despite the inherent flow of money as energy, individuals and societies can experience blocks or disruptions in this flow. These blocks, often rooted in deep-seated beliefs and societal structures, can impede the natural circulation of wealth. Identifying and addressing these blocks is essential for fostering a more equitable and abundant financial environment.

Breaking the Scarcity Mindset

A scarcity mindset, characterized by fear and a belief in limited resources, can create energetic blocks that hinder the flow of money. Shifting from scarcity to abundance involves challenging and reframing limiting beliefs, allowing individuals to open themselves up to the vast possibilities that the universe offers. This shift in mindset can have a transformative impact on financial experiences.

Addressing Systemic Inequities

On a societal level, addressing systemic inequities is crucial for ensuring a more equitable distribution of financial energy. Economic systems that perpetuate inequality create blocks in the natural flow of money, limiting opportunities for certain individuals and communities. By advocating for and participating in systemic changes, we contribute to dismantling barriers and promoting a more inclusive financial ecosystem.

Conclusion: Embracing the Dynamic Flow

In conclusion, the concept of money as energy invites us to perceive wealth in a new light, transcending its traditional roles as a medium of exchange and store of value. Understanding money as a dynamic force that flows through the interconnected web of existence empowers individuals to consciously participate in the energetic dance of abundance.

By cultivating a positive money mindset, making intentional financial choices, and addressing both personal and societal blocks to the flow, we can contribute to a more harmonious and abundant financial reality. In this paradigm, money becomes a tool for personal and collective growth, a medium through which we express our values, and a force that connects us to th

