Unmatched Instant Messaging (Dexacoin)

Kumala inti
4 min readAug 26, 2019


Today’s developed and developing world certainly requires a fast transfer method for the solution of urgent money problems, humans are social creatures and interact with one another, for example when someone is overseas and suddenly gets news that there is one family was hit by a disaster or even died. of course someone must quickly transfer money if they cannot go home to meet the immediate needs of the family, this certainly requires a very fast process, then the solution to this problem is that now there is a new technology that is growing rapidly amid an integrated community using Blockchain technology, i.e. Dexacoin.

Dexacoin is a sophisticated application that is able to simplify the way to send and receive money worldwide. Dexacoin also allows people to communicate through instant messaging features that have been integrated using Blockchain technology. Dexacoin has a goal that is to make the process of sending and receiving money faster, safer and with easy accessibility to anyone who can operate a smartphone, this is what causes the technology of the blockchain to become more sophisticated with its power to phallize ways of sending money and receiving money unlike those in do it in the past. This platform offers easy instructions or commands that can be followed and allows anyone with a basic understanding of smartphones to transfer money at a low cost without worrying that unexpected things will happen.

The basic concept of Dexacoin aside from being an easy and simple transaction tool that is Dexacoin has an innovative social messaging feature of the application, its function is for users to be able to communicate with people who send money, in addition, users can also communicate with friends and family. When compared with traditional transaction tools Dexacoin is far superior and one step ahead because Dexacoin also provides direct transfer processes without going through various steps such as by traditional means that the whole process is not easy and not fast and even time-consuming and insecure.

Dexacoin also introduces instant messaging features, this feature will make users to be able to connect by communicating with each other, not only that Dexacoin also has several features including, sending and receiving money all over the world, namely international and national money transfers, users can send and receive money without delay and won’t wait long, all users need is a smartphone and an internet connection. Then the second is instant payment which means that Dexacoin can be done anywhere and anytime instantly, for example when the user is out for dinner, the latest NFC and QR technology can make several transactions even in various countries simultaneously. Then Dexacoin also has a security feature that is Dexacoin will ensure the financial security and financial information of its users. And this application comes with several features that can ensure the security of users’ money and digital wallet is not interrupted at any transaction level. Dexacoin has unmatched security and this is one of the top priorities of Dexacoin and the team is also fully committed to providing a secure platform for its users.

Dexacoin also has a private feature, a private feature that protects the user’s privacy ie the instant messaging feature will have end-to-end encryption, this will restrict access by third parties and ensure messages remain between the two parties concerned, then complete with attributes which detects and opposes unauthorized access to payment transactions. Furthermore Dexacoin has integration with bank accounts, meaning Dexacoin allows smooth and fast integration with most bank accounts, and this allows users to connect applications to user payment cards, such as visa and master cards or transfer money from applications to user bank accounts and the opposite.

Finally Dexacoin has an instant messaging feature, which is a competitive feature that makes it stand out among its competitors. Instant messaging is a social message that allows users to stay in touch with family, friends or anyone that users send money to, this in particular will help users get and deliver updates related to money transfers. Although this feature can be used by people for various personal needs, this feature is very helpful for business users or managers who want to maintain business relationships with clients and need to keep in touch with many clients simultaneously regarding various payments. Therefore, this provides an unparalleled level of communication to users that cannot be reached by other platforms.

Thank you, please click the link below:

Website: https://dexacoin.net/#whitepaper

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DEXA_COIN

BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5158033.0

Telegram: https://t.me/dexacoin

Whitepaper: https://dexacoin.net/#whitepaper

