Is fast food alone to blame for obesity?
Is fast food alone to blame for obesity?

Obesity: Is Fast Food The Problem?

By: Kumar Hemraj

kumar hemraj
4 min readOct 30, 2019


Obesity in Our lives

People have been suffering from obesity for over a century, with many causes of which has been because of junk food or fast food. However, what is the correlation between the two? And, is junk food/ fast food the problem of obesity, or is it something else?

Before we go in-depth, we must first understand what is obesity? Google defines it as having “too much body fat.” However, over the years we all came up with our definitions of obesity being obese is when you eat too much” or “When you are really fat and can’t stop eating.” Regardless of what definition you come up with it doesn’t change the fact that obesity still exists.

You Are What You Eat

Although fast food plays a major role in obesity, obesity has been proven to be more of a behavioral and environmental problem more than a biological one. The Public Health of America discusses how we can reduce obesity and become more aware of it. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, the food industry has been changing their menu for a healthier lifestyle for their consumers, in the following way:

· Reducing the fat, sugars and salt content of processed foods

· Ensure that healthy and nutritious choices are available and affordable to all consumers

· Restrict marketing of foods high in sugars, salt and fats, especially those foods aimed at children and teenagers

· Ensure the availability of healthy food choices and supporting regular physical activity practice in the schools and workplaces

Below the picture is the reference with information suggesting the ways how the fast food industry is trying to help customers choose healthier decisions.

Why Fast Food?

Even though many claim how fast food is the most known cause of obesity, there are many advantages to why people get fast food, the main being that fast food is quick, cheap, and convenient. According to an organization called Green in Future, they talk about how they are finding ways to make the food products more healthier and enjoyable for fast foods, and other food companies.

What are the Benefits offered of fast food

Not only is fast food more efficient, but they are also very diverse with their meals. In the following video, it demonstrates a perspective on fast food and how there are many possible benefits.

America VS Obesity

BMI of Adults in America (1990–2017)

America is constantly having its battle against obesity, as it continues to grow. As many factors contribute to obesity, there are aways to prevent such from happening. The majority of the time, it is what people eat that causes consequences. Like choosing what you want to eat to how much you want to eat. Fast food provides the number the calories, along with other nutritional facts about what you are consuming, so you are able to portion your meal.

In the following article on the website Fast Food Nutrition, it provides a guide to the nutrition facts and more about the food products.

Keeping the Balance

Keeping the balance between a better lifestyle is always gonna be a struggle for some, but it is important to still be aware of the consequences of fast food, and food in general. You don’t necessarily need to be obese to have an eating problem. There are many problems in the world of food, and people tend to not be aware of how what you eat affects your brain. The following is a video from TED Talk that explains this process of how our brain and food share a connection in between.

What Factors Must Be Considered About Obesity

In the following youtube video, “How does obesity cause cancer?” it conveys an example of a health-related condition, cancer, and how it specifically acts when you are obese. It also mentions ways to prevent this, such as choosing a healthier lifestyle. That has to do with either lowering your portions of regular food and fast food, or just live a healthy life by exercising and eating healthy. reference to WebMD, there are many health-related conditions that link to obesity. Some of which includes:

