Difference between normal function and arrow function in javascript

Shimmi from JustAcademy
2 min readApr 22, 2024


Difference between normal function and arrow function in javascript

Difference between normal function and arrow function in javascript

In JavaScript, a normal function is declared using the function keyword, and it comes with its own this context which is determined by how the function is called. On the other hand, an arrow function is a more concise way to write functions and does not have its own this context, instead taking the this value from its lexical context. Arrow functions are commonly used for their simplicity and ease of use for one-liner functions, while normal functions are more versatile and can be used in a wider range of scenarios with their own this binding.

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  • Normal functions in JavaScript are defined using the function keyword, while arrow functions are defined using the => syntax.
  • - Arrow functions do not bind their own this value, while normal functions do.
  • - Arrow functions have a more concise syntax and are commonly used for short, inline functions.
  • - Normal functions have their own arguments object, while arrow functions do not.
  • - Arrow functions cannot be used as constructors to create new instances, while normal functions can.
  • - Normal functions are hoisted to the top of the scope, while arrow functions are not.
  • - Arrow functions have an implicit return when the code is a single expression, while normal functions require an explicit return statement.
  • - Arrow functions are generally preferred for callbacks and event handlers due to their cleaner syntax.
  • - Normal functions are more versatile and can be used in a wider range of scenarios compared to arrow functions.
  • - Both normal functions and arrow functions have their own unique features that can be beneficial depending on the use case.

We offer a comprehensive training program on JavaScript functions, covering both normal functions and arrow functions to help students gain a thorough understanding of this important concept in web development. Our program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively leverage both types of functions in their JavaScript coding projects.

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