Custom Search Using Google API and C# .Net

Kumar Pranaw
6 min readOct 2, 2020

In this article I am going to explain how can we scrape data using google custom search API in .net and export it into the csv.


  1. About Google Custom Search
  2. Explore Google API’s for custom Search
  3. Create Sample Project To Demonstrate The Scraping In .NET (Using Windows Form)

Google Custom Search

Google Programmable Search Engine is a platform provided by Google that allows web developers to feature specialized information in web searches, refine and categorize queries and create customized search engines, based on Google Search. (From Wikipedia).

Let’s take a look how can we manually perform the operation of custom search then we will move to do this programmatically step by step.

So let’s start

Step 1 :
Navigate to the URL :
After navigating to this URL you will be redirected to Google’s custom search engine page where you can configure your own custom engine let’s see how we can achieve that

Step 2:

Pic 1.1

In Pic 1.1 you can see we are redirected to this page here you can see all search engines you have created and can create and delete the…



Kumar Pranaw

Love to write quotes/poem , introvert, love to play/develop computer games