From Code to Conversation: Unleashing the Potential of Neo4j with LLM Powered Conversational Interfaces

A Comprehensive Developer Guide for Deploying Conversational LLM Apps for Neo4j that Empowers Data Exploration

S S Kumar
10 min readJan 31, 2024


Imagine business users and analysts extracting meaningful insights effortlessly from a neo4j graph database in natural language, just like having a conversation with a data expert, no more cryptic queries, no more figuring out graph syntax. Just ask your questions in plain English and watch Neo4j reveal its hidden insights. This is the power of LLM-powered applications, and this guide is your roadmap to building them. Let’s dive into development best practices, from data modeling to prompt engineering, and democratize data exploration like never before. After reading this blog you will be able to build your own enterprise grade LLM-powered conversational interface for Neo4j database and gain the knowledge and confidence to explore this exciting frontier of data exploration.

Image generated by GPT-4

Methods at the Forefront

Retrieval-Augmented Generation Approach: Perfect for graphs with a lot of unstructured text data, this method marries the complex relationships of graph data with vectorized text. Starting with vector similarity search, this approach enriches data retrieval for LLM context with additional graph context, offering a rich network of interconnected information. This context, blended with user queries, enables Large Language Models (LLMs) to give accurate, contextually relevant responses.

Natural Language to Cypher Query Generation: This approach is perfect for Neo4j graphs rich in intricate relationships but less in text data. It translates natural language queries into Cypher queries using LLMs, fostering seamless database interaction. Our primary focus of this blog will be on this method, diving into the art of turning natural language into Cypher queries.

Advantages of enabling natural language interaction

  • Enhanced Accessibility: Makes complex Neo4j data user-friendly, even for non-technical users
  • Real-time Insights: Simplifies querying for swift, comprehensible insights, aiding prompt decision-making
  • Increased Productivity: Empowers users to self-serve data needs, saving time and resources
  • Data-Driven Responses: Ensures responses are grounded based on managed data from a Neo4j database, enhancing reliability and explainability
An experimental app by author demonstrating neo4j and LLM integration using GenAI’s text to cypher capabilities

Beyond Technicalities: Best Practices for Deployment

Whether you’re a developer, data scientist, or a technical architect, this guide will arm you with the know-how to leverage LLMs for an enhanced Neo4j database experience. In this blog we will focus on best practices and tips on deploying LLM apps using a Natural Language to Cypher query generation approach.

Laying the Foundation: Data modeling matters

Before diving into LLMs, invest time to craft a clear and consistent Neo4j data model. This serves as the blueprint for your LLM’s understanding of your data. Aim for simplicity and clarity.

  • Real-world Relevance: Use real-world terms that reflect your data’s context. This allows LLMs to interpret your graph accurately and generate relevant Cypher queries. Remember, LLMs are trained on vast amounts of text, so the closer your labels and relationships resemble real-world language, the better.
  • Avoid Ambiguity: Patterns like (:User)-[:POSTED]->(:Post)-[:COMMENTS]->(:Comment) is less ambiguous and more specific as compared to (:User)-[:HAS]->(:Post)-[:HAS]->(:Comment)
  • Uniform Labeling Convention: To ensure clarity and consistency for an LLM generating Cypher queries, adopt a uniform labeling convention across your schema, such as using CamelCase for all node labels (e.g., Customer, Supplier, ProductCategory) and a consistent format like uppercase with underscores for relationships (e.g., HAS_INVENTORY, OWNS_LICENSE), avoiding the confusion caused by inconsistent examples like mixing Customer, supplier, and Product_Category for nodes, and HAS_INVENTORY, owns_license for relationships.
  • Simplify Complex Relationships: Consider simplifying an overly complex relationship path with a simpler inferred relationship path. For example a complex relationship path like (:Author)-[:WROTE]->(:Book)-[:CONTAINS]->(:Chapter)-[:INCLUDES]->(:Paragraph)-[:MENTIONS]->(:Keyword) can be simplified by directly relating Author to Keyword with a relationship path like (:Author)-[:WROTE]->(:Book)-[:MENTIONS]->(:Keyword) , bypassing the intermediate nodes for improved performance and easier comprehension by LLMs.
  • Don’t Ignore the Cardinality: Clearly define the cardinality of relationships to provide the generative AI with insights into the nature of connections between nodes. This helps in generating more contextually relevant Cypher queries. This example (:Person)-[:EMPLOYED]->(:Company) can be better modeled as (:Person)-[:WORKS_FOR]->(:Company) that explicitly defines that a person works for a company which is one-to-one relationship.
  • Balance the Technical Efficiency and Human Readability: Optimize the data model for both technical efficiency and human readability. A clear and readable model aids both users and the generative AI in comprehending the structure. This example pattern shows technical efficiency prioritized over readability MATCH (a)-[:RELATED_TO]->(b)-[:LINKED_WITH]->(c). This same pattern can be optimized to balance readability by rewriting it as MATCH (a)-[:FRIEND_OF]->(b)-[:WORKS_WITH]->(c)
  • Keep Minimal Properties in Graph: Only include properties that are essential for the context of the data model. This ensures that the generative AI focuses on relevant information during Cypher generation. Including redundant or irrelevant properties on nodes can lead to noise in the generated Cypher queries.

Prompt engineering : Guiding the LLM’s Hand

Prompt engineering plays a crucial role in optimizing your LLM-powered Neo4j application’s performance and accuracy. Here’s a deeper dive into its practical application in this context.

Understanding the LLM Persona: Think of the LLM as a language expert, but not necessarily a Neo4j guru. While it understands natural language nuances, it lacks deep knowledge of your specific data model and its intricacies. Your prompts essentially act as its guide, shaping its understanding and directing it towards the desired Cypher query.

Here are some key considerations for crafting effective prompts:

  • Context is the key: Provide sufficient context beyond the user’s raw question. This could include information about your Neo4j schema, such as relevant labels, relationships, and properties.
  • Level of Detail: Adjust the prompt’s detail based on the query complexity. For simple queries, the basic schema might suffice. But for complex analyses involving multiple labels or nuanced relationships, provide additional guidance.
  • Few-Shot Examples: Don’t expect the LLM to magically understand everything. Offer “few-shot examples” to illustrate what you’re looking for. These can be previous successful queries for similar tasks or even relevant data snippets.
  • Keywords and Synonyms: Don’t be afraid to be specific. If you’re looking for abusive content in emails, mention keywords like “hate speech” or “threat” to help the LLM interpret the user’s intent and translate it into accurate Cypher syntax.
  • Cheat Sheets and Reference Guides: Come up with quick reference guides outlining key vocabulary, prompting tips, and examples of successful prompts for different data exploration tasks.
  • Explore Interactive Prompting: Consider experimenting with interactive prompts where the users iteratively provide additional clarifying information in case of any errors. This can be particularly helpful for complex queries or when dealing with ambiguous language.

Evaluating LLM models for Cypher generation

It is crucial to ensure LLMs effectively translate natural language queries into accurate and efficient Neo4j graph traversals. Here are some key metrics and approaches to consider:

  • Pass@1: This measures the percentage of queries where the LLM-generated Cypher returns the same results as the manually written, correct Cypher query. It’s the most basic accuracy metric, but higher values indicate better comprehension of user intent.
  • Jaccard Similarity: This compares the sets of nodes and relationships returned by the generated and correct Cypher queries. Values closer to 1 indicate higher similarity, but can be sensitive to minor differences in query structure.

Remember, evaluation is an ongoing process. Regularly iterate on your LLM training, prompt engineering, and evaluation methods to adapt to user needs and keep up with LLM advancements.

Here is an wonderful article from Tomaz Bratanic diving deep on this topic

Feedback Loops: Learning from Mistakes

Feedback loops are crucial for ensuring your LLM-powered Neo4j application continuously learns and improves its Cypher generation capabilities.

Implicit Feedback Loop: Learning from Exceptions

This approach leverages the LLM’s inherent learning potential by automatically analyzing its own mistakes:

  • Capturing Exceptions: Implement exception handling within your application to capture errors returned by Neo4j when executing an LLM-generated Cypher query. These exceptions can provide valuable clues about the LLM’s reasoning and where it went wrong.
  • Feeding Back Information: Design a loop that feeds the captured exception information back to the LLM as additional context for its next attempt. This could include error messages, specific nodes or relationships involved, and potentially the original prompt for reference.
  • Refining the Approach: With the additional information, the LLM can refine its internal reasoning and generate a new Cypher query. This iterative process can lead to increasingly accurate results as the LLM learns from its past mistakes.


  • Automatic improvement: No explicit user intervention is needed, making it scalable and efficient.
  • Detailed insights: Captured exceptions offer valuable data for fine-tuning the LLM’s internal reasoning and learning mechanisms.
  • Continuous learning: This approach fosters a continuous learning loop, ensuring the LLM adapts to new data and user queries over time.


  • Interpreting exceptions: Not all exceptions provide clear insights for the LLM, requiring careful error analysis and mapping to meaningful feedback.
  • Overfitting: The LLM might overly focus on specific exceptions, reducing its overall generalizability.

Explicit Feedback Collection: User Input and Ratings

This approach empowers users to directly provide feedback on the LLM’s performance:

  • Simple Feedback Mechanisms: Implement straightforward user feedback mechanisms, such as thumbs up/down buttons associated with each generated Cypher query. This provides immediate insight into user satisfaction and query accuracy.
  • Detailed Feedback Options: For advanced users, offer optional comments or explanations for their ratings, allowing them to explain why they found the query helpful or inaccurate.
  • Informing LLM Refinement: Analyze user feedback and incorporate it into the LLM’s training process. This could involve fine-tuning language models based on positive and negative feedback patterns, adjusting specific prompt templates, or highlighting successful queries for future reference.


  • Direct user insights: Gain valuable feedback on the LLM’s real-world effectiveness and relevance to user needs.
  • Actionable data: User ratings and comments provide concrete data for improving the LLM’s output and overall user experience.
  • Transparency and trust: Direct user feedback fosters trust and confidence in the LLM’s capabilities.


  • Subjectivity: User feedback can be subjective and biased, requiring careful analysis and interpretation to avoid overfitting.
  • Low feedback rate: Encouraging consistent user feedback can be challenging, requiring intuitive and well-integrated feedback mechanisms.
Experimental app by author with provisions for collecting explicit feedback

Hybrid Approach for feedback loop:

Combine both implicit and explicit feedback loops for a comprehensive and robust approach. By enabling the automated learning from exceptions and user-driven feedback, you can create a powerful system that continuously adapts and improves its Cypher generation capabilities.

Remember, the key lies in creating a smooth feedback loop that integrates seamlessly with your application and provides valuable data for optimizing your LLM. By embracing both implicit and explicit feedback, you can ensure your LLM-powered Neo4j application consistently delivers less error prone and insightful results, empowering users to unlock the full potential of your graph data in natural language.


LLMs offer powerful capabilities, but their limitations like hallucinations and inconsistency raise concerns. The natural language interaction LLM apps, backed by the text-to-Cypher approach inherently avoids these by grounding the LLM response with trusted, validated data from Neo4j instead of solely relying on LLM-generated content. This data-driven approach is more reliable, ensuring users receive accurate information.

Consider implementing robust safeguards for:

  • Resource-intensive queries (timeouts, on server level as well client side)
  • Sensitive data handling (masking, unmasking)
  • Utilize Neo4j’s Role-Based Access Control to protect unauthorized users from data access
Experimental app by author showing error handling of an unauthorized operation handled using role based access control

Audit Trail and monitoring

Building the audit trail can be helpful in many ways like troubleshooting, reporting and evaluating your LLM responses over time and to come up with metrics to find areas of improvement as well as build confidence with the application. Think about how to define threshold metrics and when to send for human review, for example after 5 thumbs down flagged responses alert a human expert to review, may be a specific scenario is not handled and requires some prompt adjustment to get better results.

Audit trail data model for the purpose of monitoring, building cache layer and extracting evaluation metrics around cypher generation

Enhance quality and performance with Caching

With a hybrid approach leveraging both forefront methodologies RAG and Natural language to cypher generation.

Once we have enough of an audit trail, and have established a semi- automated process to review user questions and generated cypher, optimize the queries if needed, and flag it as reviewed and approved, we now can enhance Cypher generation accuracy by leveraging past queries.

Here is how it works on a high level:

  • User poses a natural language question
  • LLM attempts to generate Cypher query
  • Before sending to Neo4j, LLM consults Cache Layer
  • Searches for similar, previously generated Cypher queries
  • Prioritizes reviewed and approved queries for accuracy
  • Uses text embeddings to measure similarity effectively
  • If relevant queries found, pass it as a few-shot examples to refine Cypher generation
  • Refined Cypher query executed against Neo4j database
  • Results returned to user
  • Newly generated query, along with performance metrics, stored in Cache Layer for future use and analysis

Benefits of Cache Layer and RAG:

  • Enhanced Cypher Generation Accuracy: Reuses and learns from past successes, improving quality over time
  • Reduced Latency: Minimizes reliance on external LLM calls by leveraging cached queries
  • Improved Efficiency: Optimizes LLM usage and query execution
  • Enhanced Analytics: Provides insights into LLM performance and query quality for optimization and tuning

Additional Considerations:

  • Periodic review and optimization of cached queries: Ensures accuracy and relevance over time
  • Maintenance of reviewed and approved query status: Facilitates prioritization of high-quality queries
  • Text embedding generation: Enables effective similarity search within the Cache Layer
  • Integration of analytical platform: Provides valuable insights into LLM integration and Cypher generation quality

By implementing a Cache Layer and RAG approach, you can significantly enhance the performance, accuracy, and efficiency of LLM-powered applications that interact with Neo4j databases using text-to-Cypher translation.

Reference architecture by author

Final Thoughts

Driven by the immense potential of Generative AI and Neo4j, I’ve spent the past year diving deep into exploration, research, and hands-on experimentation. Partnering with brilliant fellow architects and customers along the way. This blog post is a distillation of those experiences, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg! So, if you’ve been tinkering with natural language and graph magic yourself, chime in! Your feedback, questions, and fresh perspectives are the missing pieces that can truly unlock the potential of this exciting space.



S S Kumar

Graph enthusiast by day, dad by night (and sometimes both at once!), I'm a Sr. Customer Success Architect at Neo4j, Unlocking the power of connected data.