Day 29 — Jenkins Important interview Questions

Questions and Answers

Kumar Waghmare
4 min readFeb 12, 2023


What’s the difference between continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment?

Continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), and continuous deployment (CD) are related software development practices that are aimed at reducing the time and effort required to build, test, and deploy software applications. CI refers to the practice of frequently integrating code changes into a single codebase. CD refers to the practice of ensuring that the code changes can be safely and efficiently released to production at any time. CD refers to the practice of automatically deploying code changes to production as soon as they are ready.

Benefits of CI/CD

The benefits of CI/CD include reduced lead times, faster feedback, improved collaboration among teams, reduced risks, and increased stability and reliability of software systems.

What is meant by CI-CD?

CI-CD refers to the practice of combining continuous integration and continuous deployment, which is a key component of DevOps practices.

What is Jenkins Pipeline?

Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of plugins that enables implementation of continuous delivery pipelines within Jenkins. A Jenkins pipeline defines a set of steps and stages that are executed automatically to build, test, and deploy software applications.

How do you configure the job in Jenkins?

To configure a job in Jenkins, you need to navigate to the job’s configuration page and specify the source code repository, build triggers, build steps, and post-build actions. You can also configure build parameters, environment variables, and security settings.

Where do you find errors in Jenkins?

You can find errors in Jenkins by checking the build logs and console output. The build logs provide detailed information about the build steps and any errors that occurred during the build process. The console output displays the build progress and any error messages generated during the build.

In Jenkins how can you find log files?

In Jenkins, you can find log files by navigating to the job’s build history and selecting the build for which you want to view the log files. From there, you can access the console output and build logs.

Jenkins workflow and write a script for this workflow?

A script for a Jenkins workflow could include the following stages:

  • Checkout code from source control
  • Build the code
  • Run unit tests
  • Run integration tests
  • Deploy to a staging environment
  • Run acceptance tests
  • Deploy to production

Here’s a template for a Jenkins pipeline script

pipeline {
agent any

stages {
stage('Checkout code') {
steps {
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
url: ''])
stage('Build code') {
steps {
stage('Test code') {
steps {
stage('Deploy code') {
steps {

How to create continuous deployment in Jenkins?

To create continuous deployment in Jenkins, you need to create a Jenkins pipeline that includes the necessary steps to build, test, and deploy your software application. You can use Jenkins plugins to automate various stages of the deployment process, such as building and deploying the application.

How build job in Jenkins?

To build a job in Jenkins, you need to navigate to the job’s configuration page and specify the source code repository, build triggers, build steps, and post-build actions. Then, you can manually start a build by clicking the “Build Now” button, or you can configure the job to build automatically when code changes are pushed to the source control repository.

Why we use pipeline in Jenkins?

We use pipelines in Jenkins because they provide a way to automate the entire build-test-deploy process. Pipelines help to ensure that software applications are consistently built, tested, and deployed in a consistent and repeatable manner.

Is Only Jenkins enough for automation?

Jenkins is a popular tool for automation, but it may not be enough for all automation needs, depending on the complexity of your software applications and your organization’s specific requirements. Other tools, such as Ansible and Puppet, may be needed to automate additional aspects of the software development lifecycle.

How will you handle secrets?

To handle secrets in Jenkins, you can use the Jenkins Credentials Plugin to securely store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords and API keys. This information can then be referenced in your Jenkins pipeline scripts and used to access secure resources.

Explain diff stages in CI-CD setup

The stages in a typical CI-CD setup could include:

  • Code commit
  • Build
  • Test
  • Deploy to staging
  • Test in staging
  • Deploy to production

Name some of the plugins in Jenkin?

Some popular plugins in Jenkins include:

  • Pipeline: a suite of plugins that helps to implement and integrate continuous delivery pipelines
  • Git Plugin: allows Jenkins to interact with Git repositories
  • Maven Plugin: enables the building of Java projects with Apache Maven
  • JUnit Plugin: allows Jenkins to display test results for JUnit tests
  • Slack Plugin: integrates Jenkins with Slack, allowing for notifications and status updates to be sent to a Slack channel
  • Email-ext Plugin: allows Jenkins to send customizable build notifications via email
  • Artifactory Plugin: integrates Jenkins with JFrog Artifactory to manage binary artifacts
  • Docker Plugin: allows Jenkins to build, test, and deploy Docker containers.

Thank you for reading.



Kumar Waghmare

Uniting development and operations to deliver better software.