Welcome to Kumoru.

2 min readJun 21, 2016


Hey, thanks for checking us out. We’ve worked really hard on building a managed application platform that will today reduce your infrastructure operational overhead, and maybe one day drop it negligible levels. We’re thrilled to finally be sharing it with the world at large.

Kumoru.io was born from two major frustrations:

  • First, it should be easier for developers to get their application deployed without having to mess around with infrastructure.
  • Second, existing solutions have some glaring issues: restricted languages/libraries, not allowing for capacity efficiencies and locking you into a single provider.

There is no shortage of startups, open-source projects, and major cloud service providers trying to solve these frustrations. After reviewing the most popular solutions, we felt none had really nailed it. Many did a fine job, but left us wanting. One container per VM , good for security, bad for efficiency. Not being portable enough, while not a huge deal today, we see a growing trend into the future. To be frank, many of the advantages and reasons containers became so popular in the first place were not being offered.

We have big ideas on how to solve these issues, and we’re sure our solution will not suit everyone. We do however, have an end goal to create a platform that enables an exceptional application management experience with minimal infrastructure interference.

What is Kumoru?

Kumoru is an application management platform. It takes applications you write and gets them up on the Internet with no input required from you once it’s up. After your application is in our system, we monitor its performance for you (based on metrics you define), and scale it to meet the demands of its load. We’ll scale your application up when traffic spikes and then scale back down when traffic slows. This keeps your costs low, and mental overhead at zero.

Our hope is that at the end of the day, you can stop thinking about your applications the moment you deploy them. Focus on fixing bugs, adding features, and generally making things more awesome. Stop worrying about the performance of your infrastructure or if it will scale properly in the future. Let us take care of that for you.

Let’s get started:

Kumoru requires a very basic understanding of Docker. All you need to know is how to take your application and create a Docker artifact. If you’re new to Docker, we highly recommend the Demystifying Docker series, which covers artifact creation.

Once you have a Docker artifact, you can drop it in to Kumoru and get your application up on the web. To learn how, watch this:

To learn more, check out our docs here.

We are currently seeking users for a closed beta. If you’re interested in working with us on improving the service, or you just have some questions, feel free to reach out in the comments below, on Twitter @kumoru_io or via email atsupport@kumoru.io

Thanks for reading!

– Patrick Deuley, Product Manager, Kumoru.io • @patrickdeuley




Kumoru is the the fastest, easiest way to get microservice applications in the cloud. Check us out at http://kumoru.io