How a pandemic can change people attitude towards life

3 min readApr 24, 2020


We all know that we all are under the era of worldwide attack of pandemic that is COVID19. Every story has its end, we are sure that this time will also pass but every story has a lesson. This pandemic has taught mankind much about the life. This Article covers the lessons that one must learn from this state of world. This will change your attitude toward this world and your life

1 .Life is an open opportunity

In the current scenario, whole world is under the attack of COVID-19 which is now declared as pandemic by world health organization to the world. Most of the countries are under the situation of lockdown period, everybody is locked inside his house without any social relationship with the outside world and also hampering the economy of the country at the same time.

This Pandemic has realized this world that life is something that one must utilize it to see this world. There is no other opportunity as big as your life. Your life teaches you many lessons, prompts you to set your goal with endless effort by you. Now, it is hoped that this life is should become lesson to all the mankind, and this mankind should understand that they should not let it waste.

2. Start valuing the time

Time is the element of everyone’s life but only handful of people understands its value and how to manage it. Time never waits for anyone, accordingly, we have to cope with the fast pace of time. Under this lockdown period, everyone is backed with free time but fortunately there exist some people who know how to utilize this period. In the future, these people will be benefited most for their value keeping.

One can learn many things this time like online marketing by taking online free class, starting your own free blog, or making videos on YouTube. Everything is available, condition is that you are made for these things or not. These things build confidence in an individual and also develop the personality of the individual.

“One must value the time, Accordingly time will value you”

3. Family is important

In the race to successful life, we left our family behind. Family is the push force that can stimulates you to work in order to become successful in your life. Everyone is very busy in their work and life even that they forgot to spare extra time to enjoy with family. This Pandemic has told all of us that in this fast paced changing world, your presence still matter for your family in their life.

4. Mankind is just a small fragment of this universe

Before the Pandemic strike, there was a misconception that mankind is the superior species in this world but it is just a small fragment of this universe. This Earth is the home for all organisms, not only for human beings. Human activities have ruined our Nature and its ecosystem. No one can change the Rules of Nature, not humans as well. As a result, in its trial to achieve victory over nature, whole world is now suffering.

5. Health is Wealth

“Health is Wealth” is the most common English proverb that we are used to be taught by our teachers in school but in the current scenario, this proverb became a Social necessity.

“Healthy life can give you unlimited money, but money cannot give you unlimited life”

Now, after realizing the threat of COVID 19, one must change his/her attitude towards the word HEALTH. Spending on your health is investing on your health.




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