How NGO has changed in last 5 years?

Kunal Singh
4 min readJul 22, 2023


“In the last five years, NGOs have evolved into beacons of positive change, embracing technology, data, collaboration, and diversity. Together, we’re weaving a tapestry of hope and compassion, stitching a brighter future for all.”

The world of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) has seen a remarkable change during the past five years. I have been actively working in the NGO sector for more than ten years, so I have personally seen the significant changes that have occurred. I will discuss my personal experiences and insights about how NGOs have changed, adjusted, and had a big impact during the past five years in my blog.

Chapter 1: Embracing Technology and Digital Transformation

The increased reliance on technology and digital tools has been one of the most noticeable changes in the NGO sector. NGOs previously frequently faced with antiquated systems and ineffective procedures. But there has been a discernible movement towards accepting technological developments during the past five years.

1. Websites for Fundraising
NGOs have tapped into the potential of online fundraising platforms to make it simpler for individuals to donate to their causes from all over the world. Donors can now donate with just a few clicks thanks to user-friendly interfaces, greatly enhancing the effectiveness and reach of fundraising.

2. Advocacy and Social Media
The use of social media in advocacy and awareness efforts has grown significantly. In order to reach a larger audience and promote involvement and a sense of community around their issues, NGOs now use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Chapter 2: Impactful Use of Data and Analytics

Data has always played a crucial role in NGOs’ work. To maximise their influence, organisations now use and interpret data very differently than they did five years ago.

1.Decision-Making Driven by Data
NGOs are beginning to use data-driven decision-making techniques. They can discover trends, evaluate the success of their programmes, and make decisions to optimise resource allocation by gathering and analysing data about their activities.

2. Real-Time Evaluation and Monitoring
The way NGOs gauge their work has changed dramatically as a result of the incorporation of real-time monitoring and evaluation systems. Organisations that have access to timely feedback are better able to adjust their plans as needed and quickly address new problems.

Chapter 3: Collaboration and Partnerships

Many NGOs used to work separately from one another, frequently duplicating efforts and fighting over scarce funding. There has been a considerable shift towards cooperation and alliances among NGOs in recent years.

1.Joint Projects
NGOs are increasingly actively looking for partnerships to pool resources, share knowledge, and take on challenging topics. Collaboration has shown to be more effective in bringing about long-lasting change and have a more positive influence on underserved populations.

2. Intersectoral Collaborations
NGOs have also started collaborating with businesses, governments, and academic institutions to address societal concerns holistically. Through these cross-sector partnerships, NGOs can access more resources and knowledge, encouraging creative solutions to persistent issues.

Chapter 4: Diversity and Inclusion

Inclusion and diversity have received a lot of attention in the last five years, which has changed how NGOs conduct business and approach their work.

1. Diversity in Leadership
Numerous NGOs have started making significant efforts to diversify their leadership teams. Recognising the importance of various viewpoints, they work to create a welcoming environment that values variety.

2. Methods Driven by the Community
NGOs are becoming more aware of the value of community-driven projects. NGOs can make sure that programmes are personalised to fit the unique needs and goals of individuals they want to serve by incorporating local communities in the decision-making process.

Chapter 5: Climate Change and Environmental Focus

The urgency of combating climate change and environmental degradation has increased over the past five years, forcing NGOs to rethink their approaches.

1.Sustainable Methodologies
NGOs are now more likely to implement sustainable business practises, such lowering their carbon footprint and supporting green initiatives. They set an example for others to follow by doing so.

2. Advocacy for Change
Many NGOs have stepped up their lobbying for climate action, encouraging governments and businesses to take decisive action to prevent climate change. They have made a tremendous contribution to increasing awareness of and mobilising support for environmental problems by elevating their voices.

I am optimistic about the future of NGOs as I reflect on the past five years. The industry has proven to be very adaptable, utilising data, technology, collaboration, and diversity to create beneficial social and environmental effects.

It is critical that NGOs keep developing and responding to the changing issues we confront as we move forward. We can develop a stronger, more resilient NGO sector that is better able to bring about long-lasting change and enhance the lives of those we serve by taking note of the triumphs and lessons of the last five years.

Last but not least, the evolution of NGOs over the past five years is a monument to the unflappable spirit of human compassion and the effectiveness of group action. As we work to create a more just, equal, and sustainable world for all, I fervently hope that this upward trend will continue.



Kunal Singh

"Wordsmith weaving worlds with a keyboard, I paint ideas, evoke emotions, and ignite curiosity through the power of content. Welcome to my creative realm!"