What do you want the highlight of your day to be?

Kunal Bhatia
3 min readMar 29, 2019


I built a tool that asks you a simple question: what do you want the highlight of your day to be? This may look like a small, cute tool that you’ll check out once. But in reality, it’s a question that has had a tremendous impact on the way I think about a day.

When I was younger, there were less distractions–no phones, no notifications. Just me and my Legos after school everyday. Days felt longer. I always got so many things done.

But my days more recently felt so short. Nothing got done. Phones buzzing. Notifications ringing. Sound like your day?

⚡ Introducing Highlight One Thing ⚡

But things changed quite drastically when I started reading the Time Dorks blog. I found little hacks and tools to bring back that feeling of long days. One concept in particular helped a lot–writing down one big thing you wanted to do that day.

Starting with post-it notes, and then using Nick Burka’s @1BigThing app, I became more productive and satisfied. Fast forward to today. My 2nd gen iPad was crashing nearly every time I was using the app.

I decided to remix his app with John Zeratsky and Jake Knapp’s Highlight concept from their book, Make Time. Thanks to the push from the Product Hunt Maker Festival, I made this tool using Coda and Glitch.

Setting a highlight takes just a few moments, but can help you focus on what matters most

You’re asking–what’s a highlight? And how do you pick a highlight?

What Will Be the Highlight of Your Day?

We want you to begin each day by thinking about what you hope will be the bright spot. If, at the end of the day, someone asks you, “What was the highlight of your day?” what do you want your answer to be? When you look back on your day, what activity or accomplishment or moment do you want to savor? That’s your Highlight.

Choose a Highlight To Make Time Every Day by John Zeratsky and Jake Knapp

A highlight can be:
🧡 Urgent
💙 Satisfying
💜 Something that brings joy

Three Ways to Pick Your Highlight

Choosing your daily Highlight starts with asking yourself a question:

What do I want to be the highlight of my day?

Answering this question isn’t always easy, especially when you’re just beginning to use our Make Time method. Sometimes you have many important tasks. Maybe there’s one you’re super excited about (“Bake birthday cake”), one with a looming deadline (“Finish slide deck”), or even a nasty job hanging over your head (“Put rat traps in garage”).

So, how should you decide? We use three different criteria to choose our Highlight.

Choose a Highlight To Make Time Every Day by John Zeratsky and Jake Knapp

As you complete highlights, you can look back at your history and remember the best moments of your month.

Look back fondly on all your highlights every month

Want to learn more about choosing highlights? Read John and Jake’s article, Choose a Highlight To Make Time Every Day.

Some more questions for you

Have any questions about how I built this tool in Coda and hosted it on Glitch? Ask me anything.

Have feedback to make it better? I’m all ears! If you find this useful in any way, I’d love to hear from you. That way I know to keep working on this tool.

What’s your highlight going to be for today?

Answer it at highlight-one-thing.glitch.me

Many thanks to Nick Burka, Daniel Burka, Jake Knapp, and John Zeratsky for their feedback.



Kunal Bhatia

product person • prev: design @mercury, a bunch of things that led me here • fun: building @Take1Design • callsign: komodo