Optimistic Nihilism: Nothing matters, But it’s Ok

2 min readAug 4, 2023


Life is often likened to a fleeting shadow, and humans are mere players on a vast stage. This sentiment, voiced by many existentialists, highlights the apparent meaninglessness of existence. You might have encountered someone who identifies as a nihilist, proclaiming the futility of life and the absence of objective purpose.

Engaging in philosophical discussions with them can be enlightening, but embracing nihilism can lead to a bleak and disheartening existence outside these conversations.

As seen by some philosophers like Nietzsche and Sartre, nihilism challenges traditional beliefs and rejects the idea of an inherent, predetermined purpose to human life. Life can appear empty and pointless without a higher power or objective meaning. Building relationships, striving for self-improvement, or making significant life choices may seem futile if something else matters.

This perspective can exacerbate despair and hopelessness in the face of global issues like the climate crisis, extreme politics, and economic instability.

However, there is another perspective called optimistic nihilism. Instead of seeing life’s meaninglessness as a burden, it can be embraced as a liberating realization. Optimistic nihilism acknowledges the lack of inherent purpose but finds beauty in this freedom to create individual meaning.

It encourages individuals to recognize the significance of their existence, the chance occurrences that led to their being, and the awe-inspiring wonders of the universe.

While the universe may lack objective meaning, humans have the power to shape their lives and experiences. This realization empowers individuals to find joy and significance in their unique ways. Instead of being trapped by the search for external meaning, optimistic nihilism encourages individuals to explore the wonder and beauty of life itself.

It reminds us that even though nothing may ultimately matter in the grand scheme of the cosmos, our experiences, relationships, and moments of joy are precious and worth cherishing.

Optimistic nihilism acknowledges that life is transient, and our actions may not have a lasting impact on the universe. However, this doesn’t diminish the value of our experiences or the importance of our connections with others. While we have the freedom to shape our lives, we should be gentle with ourselves and learn to forgive our mistakes.

Instead of striving for an ultimate purpose, we should focus on appreciating life’s simple pleasures and finding fulfillment in the present moment.

Embracing the void of meaninglessness doesn’t require us to give up on creating a meaningful life; instead, it allows us to let go of the burdens of meaning-making and live with a greater sense of ease. We can still pursue our passions, build relationships, and seek personal growth without the pressure of finding the ultimate purpose.

Life is brief, and rather than worrying about its meaning, we can savor its fleeting and awe-inspiring nature.




From years of battling depression, I now reveal my inner world through journal entries.