Milana May: The Siberian Songstress and Philanthropic Powerhouse

Kunal Aher
3 min readNov 26, 2023
Milana May

In the realm of music and philanthropy, one name that stands out prominently is Milana May, a 25-year-old Russian-Siberian singer whose success has not only echoed through the charts but has reverberated in the hearts of her admirers worldwide. Milana’s journey from a budding artist to a symbol of inspiration and compassion is nothing short of extraordinary.

Musical Triumphs:

Milana May’s musical prowess has catapulted her into the limelight, with a majority of her songs amassing over 100,000 views, a testament to her widespread appeal and talent. Her melodic voice, combined with soulful lyrics, has struck a chord with listeners, transcending geographical boundaries. Milana’s dedication to her craft is evident in the captivating narratives woven into each of her compositions, making her a rising star in the global music scene.

On social media platforms, Milana boasts a significant following, with 66,000 followers on Twitter and 51,000 on Facebook. Her digital presence reflects the resonance of her music, as fans flock to connect with the artist behind the hits.

A Beacon of Inspiration:

What sets Milana May apart is not just her musical accomplishments but her commitment to using her success as a platform for positive change. Despite her youth, she has become a true icon for those aspiring to achieve greatness at a young age. Milana’s journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for women and youngsters worldwide, proving that with passion, perseverance, and talent, dreams can become reality.

Gurumay: A Philanthropic Pursuit:

Milana’s commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond the realm of music. At the age of 25, she is the founder of Gurumay, a non-profit organization with a mission to develop and provide experimental artscience technologies for the purpose of rapidly enhancing human consciousness, expanding supernatural intelligence, and advancing holistic wellness worldwide.

Gurumay is an evolutionary wellness foundation that reflects Milana’s deep-rooted belief in the potential of unconventional approaches to wellness. The organization’s focus on experimental artscience technologies underscores Milana’s commitment to pushing boundaries and exploring new frontiers in the pursuit of holistic well-being.

Global Impact:

Milana May’s philanthropic endeavors through Gurumay showcase her global perspective and a desire to contribute to the betterment of humanity. By channeling her success into initiatives that transcend the boundaries of the music industry, she exemplifies the potential for artists to be catalysts for positive change.


In Milana May, the world witnesses not just a remarkable singer, but a compassionate soul dedicated to uplifting others. Her success in the music industry, coupled with her commitment to holistic wellness through Gurumay, positions her as a multifaceted force for good. Milana stands as a shining example of how one can achieve greatness at a young age and utilize that success to make a meaningful impact on the world. As her fan base continues to grow, so does the potential for positive change spurred by her unwavering dedication to both art and philanthropy.

Milana May non-profit organization website:

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