The Magic of Smile and Laughter

Kunal Yadav
2 min readMar 10, 2017


Smile is the most common positive emotion. Whenever we see someone smiling at us, we smile back at them because smile creates reciprocity.

In this article I will be explaining about smiles and the benefits of smiling and laughing.

Smiling is a submission signal

Smiling is a submission signal, when you smile at someone you are subconsciously telling them that you are friendly and non-threatening.

This is the reason why subordinates smile looking at their superiors. And Superiors refrain from smiling around their subordinates to show authority.

The Fake smile and the Genuine Smile

I have always wondered how someone is able to tell if someone is faking smile. But now I know and I am going to tell you how you will be detect it.

When the smile is genuine, the mouth as well as the eyes are stretched back, wrinkles are formed around the eyes and eyebrows dip slightly.

While in the fake smile only the mouth is stretched back.

Also a Liar’s smile is much more quicker than a genuine smile and is held much longer as if wearing a mask.

So next time when you want to find out if someone is really happy to see you observe their face carefully.

Laughter is the best medicine? Yes Indeed!

There’s one thing that you may find suspected, whether a smile is fake or genuine it shifts our brain towards happiness.

Neurologist Henri Rubenstein found that one minute of solid laughter provided 45 minutes of subsequent relaxation!

Your environment affects your mood

Being around happy people is going to make you happy while being around unhappy people will drive you towards misery. So choose your friends wisely and if there is some negative talk going on, just walk away.

Don’t let others ruin your day.

The Laughter Room Experiment

During 80’s the hospitals in America introduced the concept of “Laughter Room”.

They allocated a room full of joke books, comedy films and tapes. The patients were then exposed to 60 minute sessions each day. The result was really impressive, there was a dramatic improvement in patients' health and average hospitalized time per patient was reduced!

That’s all folks!

Smile everyday and be grateful for your life.

If you want to learn more about smile I recommend you to read The Definitive Book of body language by Allan and Barbara Pease.

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Kunal Yadav

Product Engineer at Intercom, AWS Certified Professional who loves Cloud and reading books.