Discover your Powerful Personal Unique Intriguing Question

The Surprising Secret to HAPPINESS, FULFILLMENT and TRANSFORMATION that both Einstein and Tony Robbins Knew

12 min readAug 27, 2016

First, watch the following quick video >>>

What about you? Are you 100% HAPPY and DEEPLY FULFILLED?

Note that we are not referring to the temporary fleeting emotion of ‘happy’ that we feel when we see babies laughing. Such an emotion has its ups and downs.

This guy is not referring to that. He is referring to a Stage of BEing.

Most people have NUMBED themselves so much they would probably settle for 70% Happiness (AKA Fulfillment in my language).

That’s why I love this video so much!

Because here’s a guy who didn’t settle even when he was at 99%!

Woah. That’s fucking amazing!

Again: Let’s be very clear: I don’t think he’s referring to temporary fleeting feelings and emotions.

He’s referring to a STAGE of BEING that’s completely realistic and possible for ALL of us!

If you’re feeling only 99% fulfilled or less, read this page because it would give you a POWERFUL new insight that could be very helpful for you >>>


“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions.”

- Tony Robbins.

That means, if you want your life to be better, ask BETTER questions instead of seeking for better answers.

For example, last year, I had what was at the time the most powerful beautiful dream of my life.

Here’s what happened >>>

One night, I was speaking with a woman I was seeing at the time. Before we got off the phone, she said, “I will dream about you tonight, okay?”

That very night, I had a life-changing destiny dream. In that dream, I saw an infinite open book made of Light.

Above that infinite book, I saw a circle of women standing and floating. They represented all the women in my life. They were sending down rays of empowering energy into the book. This book represented my Life Purpose and all my projects.

At first I was observing all this.

Then I merged with the book. I became one with the book. When I did, I could FEEL amazing incredible joy, arousal, turn-on, ecstasy, power and deep fulfillment. It was a feeling of total alignment with my Destiny.

I woke up directly from the dream still feeling the energy of the dream in my very physical body.

Even though it was so early in the morning, I felt completely energized, alive and clear.

I knew what to do. I went to my computer and created SacredRage.Com in one hour, which I had been previously struggling to create for several days!

I also recorded the guided meditation for it in one take. This site is now what I put on my business card!

This experience led to the question >>>

“How can I embrace and utilize more the sexual energy secret for success almost no one talks about?”

That led to the creation of an entire successful business that impacted thousands of people in wonderful life-changing ways!

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PAUSE HERE for a bit.

Take a deep breath. Let out a big sigh.

Watch this quick video that’s only one minute and 11 seconds because it powerfully demonstrates the the power of LOVE (and honoring ALL your feelings and those of others).>>>

Touch your heart. Feel it beating, thousands of miles of blood vessels pumping, keeping you alive. Feel the gratitude and love naturally arise from just being aware of that.

Note that my articles are structured more like an online course than a traditional article. So, read the rest of this article with your ENTIRE body.

Become aware of your eyes, your throat, your shoulders, your heart, your chest, your belly, your pelvis, your thighs, your knees, your legs, your ankles, your feet, your toes.

Become aware of a Blue Light between your eyes. See a line of Light going from that point all the way to the back of your head.Then become aware of another line of Light between your ears crossing the first line. Where they meet in the middle is a blue ball of Light, the center of your Third Eye.

Drop that Blue Light into the Pink Rose in the Center of your Heart.

There is now a big ball of Pink Light in your Heart with Blue Light in the Center shining outwards!

NOW, you can literally SEE with your Heart. Now, read the rest of the article with your Heart.

And whenever you see the row of stars, pause for a bit, becoming aware of your heart.

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A Deep Exploration of Surrender, Creativity and Service

A few months later I read “The Surrender Experiment” by Michael Singer which inspired the following question >>>

“How can I surrender more and more to creativity for the highest good of all so that Life which had gifted me so much can continue to gift so much to everyone including me?”

That led to my 30 Days of Surrender Experiment to further explore this question.

Every day I created something new in service of the highest good of all, I felt more alive, joyful and deeply fulfilled!

The act of creation directly engages the spacious free part of us that already feels complete.

As a result of this experiment and exploration, Creativity became just the way I naturally lived my life every day.

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Exploring Being

A few months after that exploration, I went through Loch Kelly’s Non-Meditation audio.

The first time I listened to it, it was a bit weird. I didn’t get it at all because I was so used to meditation that involved me doing something, giving my mind more work to do, such as focusing on my breath, or visualizing something.

This was the complete opposite. There was nothing to do. Like most people, I was not used to this at all. Sounds familiar, right?

But the second time I listened to it, I completely surrendered to the process. And…guess what? I got it! Or rather, it got me!

By the end of it, I was in tears, so deeply moved and uplifted. I finally experienced my BEING! It felt, “WOW!! So this is what it’s like to be just BE! And it’s so effortless and easy!”

So, I became fascinated with NEW questions >>>

“How can I BE more?

What’s the best DOing that most enhances my BEing?

Ask my body every day: What message do you have for me today?”

These questions became the basis of my 30 Days of BEing Experiment.

Note that the previous question I had asked prepared me for these new questions that were more empowering and life-changing for me than my previous questions.

These new questions brought more ease, Grace, abundance, spaciousness and fun into my life!

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Fun and Playfulness at Contact Improv Leads to a Powerful New Question

A few months ago, I had such a wonderful experience at Contact Improv. This was a free-flowing dance class with no music. People often did whatever they were inspired to do. They connected in spontaneous ways. The only rule was safety.

Here’s what happened at this class that was life-changing for me (and as a result, everyone whose lives I touched). >>>

During this Contact Improv event, at one point, a woman and I fell into this groove of feeling like she was preparing me for flight. So I started making the hand and arm gesture of flight.

She even commented on it and laughed: “I feel like if we keep doing this, you will fly.”

So we both decided to continue that story.

Then eventually I started making the gesture of flight more pronounced.

After a few minutes, I just knew it was time to get up. So I got up. I spread my arms wide. She put her arms underneath my arms in synergy with what I was doing. So I used those arms to help me lift upwards.

Then I jumped forward.

And in perfect synergistic timing, another man actually came in to the scene and lifted me up, round and round the room!

It was so beautiful!

It felt so nurturing to be among men and women who are so in tune with themselves and everyone in the room.

This is nurturance culture right there!

Out of this experience was born a desire to study the topic of “Right Action” when it comes to Connection with others, a much deeper way of relating than just masculine-feminine dynamics.

This is Right Action not from a moralistic point of view. It’s more about living an inspired life of being constantly so much in tune with yourself and the world around you that every connection, every interaction, is deeply fulfilling for everyone including yourself.

This experience led to the question >>>

“How can I take Inspired Action and make Inspired Connections, Communion, Contexts and Community every day?”

I started on a grand quest to answer that question for at least 5 months, meditating every day alone and with others, reading books and researching, to find the answer to this question.

I also stopped teaching workshops, I stopped accepting most clients, I stopped working, all of my energies focused on answering this question.

This quest inspired me with the Co-Meditation Co-Creativity tool that has changed the lives of all those who took part in Co-Meditations with me.

Indeed, the transformation and creativity generated by these Co-Meditations are astonishing!

For example, take a deep breath, let out a big sigh, and gaze at the painting below for a few minutes:

Also gaze at this painting while being simultaneously aware of your Heart and Belly:

Both of these paintings are a direct result of the Co-Meditation Co-Creativity sessions.

Here’s another way these sessions transformed my life (and how it could possibly transform yours, especially your intimate relationships) >>>

One morning, a friend mentioned during a Co-Meditation with me that she could see beautiful colors, expressing how much happy she felt seeing them.

Then she said she felt sad that she could not share them because they didn’t actually exist in reality or in the human world, and so, she couldn’t really paint them.

So, I said, “Well you could still share them by visualizing the colors in your hands, and touching someone with them.”

Fast-forward a few hours later:

I was with another woman with whom I shared this story.

She responded to that with the words: “That makes me want to touch myself.”

So, I started touching her while visualizing all these beautiful colors coming through into her.

She said, “Mmmm…that feels like cool rocks and waterfalls coming down my shoulders…”

So I continued loving her in this way…it was the most fun I ever had with a woman!

She texted me the next day, “That was deeply nourishing.”

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I come Full Circle Back to Exploring my Relationship with my Dreams

Most recently, I read the following books:

“The Crossroads of Should and Must” by Elle Luna

“The Kin of Ata are Waiting for You” by Dorothy Bryant.

Interestingly, these books came to me at a time in my life when I was having more and more powerful and beautiful dreams that were infusing my life with their wonderful magic, energy and insight.

So, naturally, now that I read these books, I am inspired by POWERFUL new questions >>>

“How can I live today so that I have beautiful dreams tonight?”

“How can I infuse this day with the magic of the powerful beautiful dreams I have already had?”


Be Patient with your Questions: Three Types of Questions

A POWERFUL INTRIGUING question will instill in you a desire to sincerely explore it and dedicate a significant amount of your life to LIVING that question.

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

― Rainer Maria Rilke

There are three types of questions:

1. Problem-solving questions.

2. Focusing questions that temporarily change your state. Kind of like Noah St. John’s invention: afFORMations. For example, instead of, “I am so lovable, ask, “Why am I so lovable” or “Why am I so rich?” instead of “I am so rich.” Some of the questions given here are also great examples of this.

3. Deep questions that are like Zen Koans with no easy immediate answers. They are meant to be lived for a while. And when we do, they change our lives completely. The type of question this article is focusing on is this third type. It’s the kind of question Rilke is referring to in her quote above.

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Exploring “BEING” in an Even Deeper Way

I realized recently that there is an even better question than:

“What’s the best DOing that most enhances my BEing?”

And that question is:

“What’s the DOing that FEELS the same as BEing, or is, in fact, a form of BEing?”

For example, when I went to the Redwoods grove recently, I felt inspired to create some guided meditation videos that were based on my beautiful dreams.

When I followed that Inspiration, it felt so effortless because it felt like just an extension of my BEING!

This is yet another example of what happens when I ask a better question. Instead of “What is the Doing that enhances my BEING?” it’s now “What if the DOING that IS BEing?”

What I’ve found recently is that when I am living my Zone of Genius, my DOING becomes my BEING.

In his book “The Big Leap”, Gay Hendricks mentions 4 Zones we operate in:

  1. Zone of Incompetence
  2. Zone of Competence
  3. Zone of Excellence
  4. Zone of Genius (Something we do that we both enjoy so much and are so good at it that it’s like breathing for us).

Most people have Upper Limits around living their Zone of Genius. These are fears, self-doubts, self-judgement and false stories regarding living your genius. Hence why they are either resistant to living it or they don’t even know their Genius.

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Conclusion: Keeping asking better and BETTER Questions to Experience DEEPER and deeper Fulfillment!

“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” — Albert Einstein.

My friend and accountability partner Bryan Tarr pointed out a powerful piece to this whole story of asking questions:

I kept asking BETTER and better questions.

And the more powerful the questions became, the better and more beautiful my life became!

What about you? What powerful questions intrigue you right now?

If you have a difficult time coming up with your own life-changing powerful question, you’re in for a treat!

Some of you know that I offer sessions that help you discover your Heart-Virtue, the deepest most meaningful part of you that moves you to tears every time you experience it because it’s so much more beautiful than you expected it to be.

Well, because it takes so much effort and commitment, I am very selective about who I offer that to. I don’t offer it to everyone.

However, recently, I felt inspired to offer something that’s halfway towards knowing your Heart Virtue, and yet, still deeply impactful and life-changing (that I can offer to more people without being as selective):

A session that helps you come up with your own POWERFUL unique Personal Intriguing Question to explore and live for the next year of your life!

This would change your focus in a powerful positive way. Brain science shows that we can change our focus more powerfully through questions than through affirmations and other means for example.

It would also be deeply fulfilling for you because the answers you come up with would be your own original unique contribution to the whole of humanity. As you probably already know, fulfillment comes from contribution.

Inner Peace/happiness takes less effort because all you need to do to be at peace or happy is to sit still or watch babies laughing.

But deep fulfillment takes more effort because it comes from contribution, connection, empathy and communion with others.

I am ready to teach you how to live by your own questions so that you can live a deeply fulfilling life feeling 100% HAPPY.

You can try this on your own but it’s going to be challenging because you can only see your own reflection.

So let me be your BEST reflection!

Discover your most POWERFUL Question!

Click here to get started.




Creator of "the Alignment Code" & “Mental Kung Fu” for deep long-term fulfillment+clear boundaries: helping visionaries express their most meaningful idea yet!