The 6 Stages of Visibility: A Revolutionary Marketing Manual for Visionaries and ChangeMakers

12 min readFeb 4, 2017


From Interruption Marketing to Red Pill Creation


Are you a social entrepreneur or change-maker or awakened visionary who is sick of business as usual?

Do the traditional online marketing methods make you sick or gross you out?

Do you often feel lonely, overwhelmed, frustrated, invisible, unseen, and unheard despite doing so much of the activities the marketing gurus teach?

The Challenge and its Effects

Not being deeply seen creates a lot of fear: the fear that you will never be deeply seen, that therefore life will never have meaning and you will always feel trapped.

This creates so much anger and frustration which in turn creates even more fear, especially fear of the anger itself and what other people would think of the anger, especially when anger is very misunderstood in our culture.

It’s a horrible feedback loop, exacerbated by the Freedom, Expansiveness and Spaciousness you probably felt in your Awakening experiences, which you were not able to sustain, thus leaving you with a longing for that Freedom to be reflected in the world. (Isn’t that why you became a change-maker?).

And it’s frustrating and lonely when people can’t understand your Vision or truly see who you are. Especially when it’s reflected in your business: the lack of enough paying clients or income.

I know. I’ve been there myself. I can relate. When I had my first Awakening experience in 2008, it was more than the realization of my beautiful True Self, and my True Home inside me. It was a glimpse of a more beautiful world. It left me with a longing for Home, for that Heaven to be reflected in the world around me every day, not just a temporary high.

And when I started my business, I often struggled for many years trying to do what the marketing coaches said.

The Solution: Learn the 6 Stages of Visibility and the 3 Kinds of “REMARKABLE”.

I received a download recently that there is a BIG difference between being remarkable and “standing out from the crowd” which is what most marketers and marketing coaches teach.

So, there are 3 kinds of “remarkable”. >>>

1. “Peacocking”. This comes from the science of mating rituals. This is why peacocks use their beautiful feathers to get a mate. Human beings get purple hair. This is not really truly being remarkable. It’s just standing out from the crowd.

And..likewise..In marketing and business, you do strange stuff to stand out from the crowd, such as ‘rants’ which have become quite popular. I noticed a lot of people try too hard. And it shows. Not only is it inauthentic, there isn’t an actual value or benefit being provided. This it not really being remarkable. This is just “standing out from the crowd”.

2. Creating either a Purple Cow or an IdeaVirus which is the digital version of a Purple Cow. The marketing is built-into the product. Read Seth Godin’s books “The Purple Cow” and “Unleash the IdeaVirus” for more info. In this scenario, we have evolved from YOU being remarkable to your CREATION, your WORK, being remarkable.

It’s about creating something remarkable that actually solves a problem and creates revolutionary transformation. So you’re not just peacocking. You’re actually providing value and benefits.


We come full circle back to YOU being remarkable, not from Egoistical or Peacocking but from you Awakening into who and What you really ARE from being truly deeply being seen inside a safe container with someone well-versed in Empathy, the Gift of Seeing people, and allowing them to be exactly the way they are.

Without a safe container, this is really difficult because:

1. You want to be seen but you are afraid of being TRULY DEEPLY CLEARLY SEEN, deeper than you’ve ever been seen before.

2. There is sadness and anger that arises from not being seen which brings up even more fear because:

A. We’ve been conditioned to believe that all anger is bad. Therefore there is the fear of being outcast from society and all of our tribes we belong to.

B. Anger by itself is a terrifying emotion because it’s such a destructive emotion: pointed the right way, it can destroy every single thing holding us back. This is actually terrifying to our Ego.

In addition, we are also afraid of what other people would think of us when we are angry.

So we end up in an endless negative feedback loop and downward cycle of anger creating more fear, and fear creating more anger!

This also creates intense isolation even when we are in a relationship! I know of many people who feel terribly lonely despite being in an intimate relationship!

How do we break this cycle?

We break the cycle by being deeply seen inside a safe container.

It comes from that fire (of being seen) burning away everything you’re not, allowing for that remarkable fiery Phoenix to naturally Awaken from within you!

That’s when we awaken:

1. Our Unique Greatest Gift (Super-Power) that we were born to give that we’ve been hiding all this time behind a wall of many defense mechanisms INCLUDING peacocking.

2. Our Heart Virtue which is our Deepest Why that we were born for and willing to die for. Indeed, when you discover, that you will be moved to tears because you felt something inside yourself that is so much more beautiful than you expected it to be.

(“People don’t buy what you do. They buy WHY you do.” — Simon Sinek).

So this is why it brings both business success and the deepest level of personal fulfillment and meaning to live it.

From this BEingness of simply living who and what we are, we come up with the problems we are uniquely designed to solve, and the remarkable solutions only we can come up with.

All of this comes from experiencing the ONE AND ONLY THING WE REALLY NEED FROM OUR RELATIONSHIPS:

To be truly deep seen, in a safe way, and allowed to be exactly who and what we are, much deeper than the layers of our triggers, defense mechanisms, walls, hurt, suffering, negative programming and limiting beliefs.

This creates a sense of expansion and freedom.

THIS is the Gift And Remarkable Impact I provide you with. This is what my work is all about: A Sacred Container for THAT.

And what happens when you Awaken Your Phoenix in this way is that you get to create YOUR RED PILL:

You see, as Awakened Visionaries, you’re not just here to create a Purple Cow. You’re here to create a Red Pill for your Tribe:

A Unique Product that Awakens your Tribe to the Aspect of Heaven or Home that you’re here to bring in to the world: your role in co-creating with your Tribe that more beautiful world your heart knows deep down is possible.


PS. I also asked this as a RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT QUESTION on my main timeline: “What’s the difference between ‘standing out from the crowd’ and being remarkable?

Here’s the answer that stood out to me the most:

“you could stand out by wearing a yellow shirt among a crowd of black shirts, and be remarkable by having an extraordinary singing voice

stand out as an elephant in a crowd of lizards/ be remarkable by being a dancing elephant

you could stand out by having blue hair/ be remarkable by positively impacting the lives of many through your own life’s example

Haha i got carried away”

- Eric Jimenez

Note also this is part of a larger CONTEXT that I call “The 6 Stages of Visibility”. So, there are at least 3 Stages of Visibility before we reach the 3 Stages of Standing Out and Being Remarkable. >>>

  1. Almost Zero visibility. This is usually when people are first starting out.
  2. Interruption marketing: this is when large companies create TV ads to interrupt your day or make cold calls to your home. Facebook ads can also feel like interruptions.

Most people tune this out with ad-blockers on Facebook or recording TV shows and skipping the ads. And some coaches and healers would constantly keep promoting in Facebook groups, another from of interruption marketing that feel spammy at worst, and “meh” at best.

3. Educational Marketing:

This is when people write articles, make Youtube videos and Facebook Live Videos on tips to be more happy or have better sex, etc.

This is better than interruption marketing of course but without surveying people first on what they actually want, it can actually feel like another form of interruption marketing because no one asked for these tips.

In addition, true transformation happens in the body, not the mind. Yet most of these articles and videos address the mind and not the body. True lasting Transformation takes time to happen. It doesn’t happen in a rush or in a Cliffnotes version. Yet because we are in such a rushed ADD culture, everyone fighting for time and attention, it becomes more and more difficult every day. Note how “too long, didn’t read” has even become an acronym: “tldr”.

In addition — the medium we have — videos and articles — is not quite suitable for the message since true transformation happens in the body and not the mind. And definitely not in the ADD culture of Facebook and social media with its short attention spans. It’s said that the attention span on Facebook is even less than that of a gold fish. (Side-note: this, by the way, is why I am developing a new technology medium that is more suitable for transformation, part of my RED-PILL solution to this challenge).

This is why it’s more essential than ever to get to the next stages of Visibility and actually start standing out by being truly remarkable and creating that Purple Cow, that Red Pill.

Once we’ve crossed this threshold, we are ready for the the 4th, 5th and 6th Stages I mentioned earlier: Peacocking, Purple Cow — and the Red Pill that comes from your Phoenix Awakening.

And when you get there, you are ready for True Wealth, which I define very specifically as your ability to get anything you need any time you need, even when you don’t have the cash or currency yet.

This is because you have developed your

True Wealth Assets:

  1. Your Earning Potential which comes from your Investment in your own Creativity, Resourcefulness and Super-Skills, especially your Super-Power/Genius/Greatest Gift/Flow-Zone. When you discover this, you also become more productive and you reach Pareto Principle 2.0. Instead of just 20% of your efforts creating 80% of your results, you will need only 4% of your efforts to create half your results. Yes! Did you know 50% of your results come from just 4% of your efforts? Which 4%? That’s the 4% you are engaged in your living your Super Power. That is just one of many amazing results of living your Unique Super Power, your Genius.
  2. A TRIBE of people who deeply love, respect you and see you. When you know yourself at a very deep level, such as knowing your Heart Virtue and unique Super-Power, you’re more likely to attract a TRIBE that deeply sees you, hears you, and supports you.
  3. Happiness Exchange Rate: your ability to be more and more happy with less and less money. This includes “Emotional Alchemy”, your ability to feel anything you want to feel any time you want to feel through the reverse-engineering of emotions.

For example, when you are happy, you smile. You can reverse-engineer this: when you smile, you become more happy. Watch the video below for more examples of this:

Of course, all this is with the caveat that you’ve gotta be in a stable place to do this. When you are feeling sad or anger, it’s essential to fully feel those emotions and hear the message they are trying to tell you first.Otherwise, reverse-engineering emotions can become a form of spiritual bypass or simply numbing your pain which will only perpetuate your suffering: that’s not a healthy way to live at all.

To this end, I highly recommend learning “Uzazu” and “Feldenkraise”. Another thing that’s helpful is “the noticing game”. It’s also a powerful communication tool that helps you build a better tribe. See this demo of the game to learn more. The great thing about this is that you can immediately apply this in your life. >>>


This is your ability to acquire millions of shares of awesome companies — without cash. To learn more about this, read the book “The Last Safe Investment: Spending Now to Increase your True Wealth Forever” by Bryan Franklin and Michael Ellsberg.

In my upcoming True Wealth Revolution Mentor-Led Mastermind, we will dive deep into this. In fact, we will also study and dive deeply into this book as a group.

We will also dive deeply into everything covered in this article.

Only a maximum of 9 people will be allowed to be part of this Mastermind.

Apply here to get your application interview with me to see if you’re a good fit.

About the Author Kundan Chhabra

Kundan Chhabra is the creator of Emotional Alchemy, a technique to transform emotional pain and its accompanying baggage into fuel for passion and life purpose. He does this through his unique Breakthrough Awakening, the consciousness technology he developed to lead workshop participants through the six levels of self-knowledge.

This approach to healing grew out of Kundan’s lengthy struggle with deep feelings of loneliness, sadness, confusion, powerlessness, which resulted in his feeling trapped and suicidal.

Kundan’s essays have been published in Elephant Journal, and in the book, “Love Like God: Embracing Unconditional Love.” He has led workshops at TEDxUCIrvine, the Goddess Temple of Orange County, Unity of Tustin and Common Ground Spiritual Center.

You can get his course, “7 Keys to Resolve Conflicts in Relationships” at DailyOm.Com

Kundan Chhabra currently helps his clients make Peace with the Story of their Struggle and Suffering by uncovering their Greatest Gift that’s been hidden in the very story they feel trapped in. He then helps them become so grounded in their Gifts that they become Visionary Masters of their Destiny. He is here to nurture the planet’s next trailblazing Change-Makers and Game-Changers.

Kundan Chhabra is writing an upcoming book on the three Stages of Spirituality called “Phoenix Awakening: How to Make Peace with your Story, Uncover Your Greatest Gift and Co-Create the World of our Dreams”.

He is the founder and host of the Facebook Community, Phoenix Awakening. Join us.

And Now: How does all this benefit you? Here is my personal statement directly to you regarding all this:

I help Awakened Visionary Leaders and Change-makers ready for growth who desire deep visibility for their Message. The biggest pain they feel is not feeling deeply seen, heard and felt.

Not being deeply seen creates a lot of fear: the fear that they will never be deeply seen, that therefore life will never have meaning and they will always feel trapped.

This creates so much anger and frustration which in turn creates even more fear, especially fear of the anger itself and what other people would think of the anger, especially when anger is very misunderstood in our culture.

It’s a horrible feedback loop, exacerbated by the Freedom, Expansiveness and Spaciousness they felt in their Awakening experiences, which they were not able to sustain, thus leaving them with a longing for that Freedom to be reflected in the world. (That’s why they became Change-makers).

So I help them break free from this feedback loop of fear, frustration and anger that they feel trapped in by helping them feel deeply seen, heard and felt, at multiple levels of depth

(and also by clarifying and validating their Sacred Rage, and differentiating between the 4 types of anger, which again, is part of truly SEEING them for the first time, like NO ONE ever has).




Creator of "the Alignment Code" & “Mental Kung Fu” for deep long-term fulfillment+clear boundaries: helping visionaries express their most meaningful idea yet!