What flavor of Awakening are you?

5 min readNov 4, 2015


The Many Flavors of Awakened Alchemy

The Many Flavors of Awakened Alchemy

I have seen in my clients and also gone through myself many flavors of Awakening.

I wish to document at least some of it in my article here >>>


This is vast. No holds barred. No inhibition. Infinite Open space. Forever expansive. Continuously expanding forever into Infinity.

This results in you becoming the most freely self-expressed you’ve ever been.

There is a joy about you that is contagious. It’s sunshine shining on every other being you lay your eyes on! You bring genuine smiles and joyous laughter to everyone around you!


Nothing closed at all. Nothing left. Vast Open Space.

See how big and open the Ocean is? Well, this is bigger and more open!

So open my entire body starts shaking because how can my puny body contain something so big? True Openness goes through and beyond my body.

Openness forever and forever.

So open I feel deeply moved I have tears in my eyes.


A deep Peace. Silence. Nothing. No more Identity. The realization that you’re nothing and that therefore you can create everything. You’re free to BE anything. You’re free to choose any Identity you wish.


A love that is not about possession, demands, conditions, agreements, contracts and restrictions. A Love that just…IS.

This type of Awakening is most fully embodied in the Heart which is why it feels as Love.


You’re Possibility Itself! Your Joy is not dependent on anything. It’s as if you’re both the owner of the Infinite Hotel AND the Infinite Hotel itself!

You can serve as many as guests, or none, as you wish.

The bliss that results from this is incredible!

You can feel it in your eyes.

You can feel in your skin!


Remember when you had an out-of-body experience when you floated above your body to the ceiling and saw your own body below?

It’s like that — only it’s IN the body!

You have a clear visceral Knowing that you’re NOT your body.

And if you’re not your body, you’re not your mind either.

And you can almost see yourself in front of your eyes — without a mirror!

And if you’re not your body, neither is anyone else!

All your body-image issues be gone! All comparisons be gone!

Watch the video below of a client doing her best to explain what this means. For best audio, listen with head-phones at full volume.

Hers was unique in the sense that it was both visual and a feeling. For most clients, it’s a feeling and a deep Knowing. Even that alone is life-changing!


There is so much more than this though!

My clients have had all these forms of Awakening I have documented here.

Some of the benefits of Awakening include

  1. Food tastes so much better!
  2. Flowers smell so much sweeter!
  3. Our actions become more effortless, enjoyable and yet far more powerfully effective!

Tell me — what type of Awakening have you felt the most?

Which flavor resonates with you the most?

What type of Awakening do you wish to experience?

Helping you awaken in 2 hours or less is what I specialize in.

In fact, I have created a Consciousness Technology called “Breakthrough Awakening” that takes you through at least one of these flavors of Awakening.

If you would like such a session from me, you need to apply to be a client because I am selective about who my clients are.

I don’t take everybody as a client.

I desire clients who are 100% committed to their own transformation.

I desire clients who are 100% committed to bringing about the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

I have other criteria as well.

It requires a $49 no-flake deposit to apply and then be interviewed by me to see if you fit the criteria. If you don’t show up, or you’re late, you lose the deposit.

If it turns out that we are not a good fit, the deposit is given back to you.

If it turns out we are a good fit, it’s applied towards a session or a package of sessions.

To apply, email me at: Kundan.Chhabra@Gmail.com

About the Author Kundan Chhabra:

Kundan Chhabra provides Emotional Alchemy, which is the art of transforming your Emotional Alchemy into fuel for your Passion and Life Purpose

He does this via “Breakthrough Awakening”, the ground-breaking Consciousness Technology he invented. He created this technology after making the incredible discovery that there are actually 6 Levels of Knowing Yourself.

He also created the Revolutionary Relationship model that he calls “the Museship”.

It was his own pain and struggle with depression, suicidal thoughts and bad relationships that led him to these discoveries and inventions.

He also created the course, “7 Keys to Resolve Conflicts in Relationships”, published on the DailyOm platform, which has 1.2 million subscribers.

Kundan also recently started a project called “My Surrender Experiment: 30 Days of Surrender: Creativity in Service of Life!”.

He is teaching a workshop on September 13th, 2015 in Irvine on “How to Get Over Bad Boys, Nice Guys and Female Drama”

He is committed to fully living his Heart-Virtue of “Divinity, Awakening and Sovereignty”.

He also helps you unlock your Heart-Virtue, which is the Unique Energy Signature of your Heart, your Heart-Print, what you were born for and what you’re willing to die for. It’s therefore the one thing that is completely non-negotiable and completely unavailable to manipulation. It is also what gives you the deepest level of fulfillment and the kind of moments that is described in the following video. The power of knowing your Heart-Virtue is that these beautiful moments don’t have to be accidents any more: you can build your life around it!

Also watch the video below to learn what it feels like to know your Heart Virtue! It’s what this video is saying — only at least 10 times more beautiful and sweet!




Creator of "the Alignment Code" & “Mental Kung Fu” for deep long-term fulfillment+clear boundaries: helping visionaries express their most meaningful idea yet!