Overthinking hurts?!

Shreya Kundu
3 min readJul 25, 2021


Just how Smoking kills, this deadly habit can chew your mind.

An svg image of a woman sitting on a chair tormented by overthinking.
Do you too often get mentally exhausted like her? Photo Credit:posthood.com

Hey there! Glad you stopped by. Now that you have arrived how about taking a quick glance through this article.

What is Overthinking?

Overthinking is the act of plummeting one’s thoughts into a fixed timeline repeatedly, mostly, leading to mental exhaustion, anxiety and irritability.

It is a seemingly ceaseless cycle of contemplating past actions and worrying about the future, without any fruitful results.

So is Overthinking Bad?

Yes, it definitely is! However people often mistake it with brain stimulation through thoughts and ideas. Overthinking not only limits your mental capacities but also drains your energy. Imagine yourself being locked up in a little closed room with minimal resources, I bet you will start experiencing discomfort after few hours; this would be a similar scenario for your brain when it has to process the same insignificant thought multiple times. Come On! we all know the capabilities of a human brain, and assigning it such teeny-weeny jobs would be an undervaluation. It's like asking Einstein to dwell on 1+1=2 instead of his favourites : Theory of Relativity.

Overthinking puts your peace of mind at risk. If you are unable to focus, slight inconveniences bother you, and if you feel a loss of sense of inner bliss, then you, my friend need to help yourself by shutting your thoughts down.

Your body isn’t spared from the effects of this excessive thinking too. Fatigue, headache, irritability are some of the common symptoms. Overthinking leads to stress which in turn causes inflammation in the body, which leads to flare-ups on the skin. Have you noticed that you often feel sick when you are stressed? That’s because stress causes the release of cortisol in the body, ultimately weakening the immune system. Even apple a day won't keep the doctor away if we continue to torment ourselves in this manner.

How to help yourself?

It all starts with a pinch of self-realization. Each day signifies a new beginning and yet another chance to deal with the ups and downs of life. Gulp down the fact that nothing is truly constant, all those problems that you are not able to figure out currently, feelings that have clouded your thoughts, along with time eventually die out, so stop messing with your mind and keep your thoughts as fluidly as possible. Don't! Just don't hold onto minuscule issues and stop reliving your past as it won't turn anything in your favour. Accept whatever you have been through, even if it may pinch you. Put yourself into some damn action. Believe me, simply thinking over and over again won't do any good to you, so throw yourself into little work and happiness. In spite of all the darkness you see around yourself, be the light you need to get through any mishap.

Here’s a fun fact: people can actually survive with no likes on their Instagram posts. Most of us, especially Indians, are bothered by opinions. No one is an abomination unworthy of acceptance into society after being created by the same Almighty. It is normal to have different tastes from the majority unless you are standing up for an election in a democratic country. Overthinking people’s behaviours, trends are an utter waste of time as we all change with the passage of each year. In fact, no one even cares about what you were wearing last night at the party except you. Instead of trying to slide your way into the ‘acceptance standards’ of society, do an Elon Musk for people to gain your acceptance, that is, try turning the tables around.

…………………………….…....….THE END…....……………………….……….

