Carlos Saba
1 min readOct 8, 2016


Well said! If more of us tackled problems that matter then the world would be a better place. The perennial challenge is making that mission sustainable, financially and personally. Solving big problems should never be about ONE person saving the world. It will only be a collaborative approach that will succeed. My big questions are:

1) How can entrepreneurship and the need to make money work in harmony with making the world a better place? We need to do good in the world but until money becomes obsolete we need to “create value” for our customers, whoever they are. We need to be rewarded for our efforts or we just become slaves to a mission.

2) How can education focus not only on skilling up a future generation but also creating a mindset of cooperation and clear self awareness? It doesn’t matter how clever we are if we don’t know what we want and what makes us happy then how can you stay true to a higher mission without burning out (or getting bored)?



Carlos Saba

Co–founder of The Happy Startup School. Lover of learning and using that learning to help others.