How to apply UK High Potential Individual (HPI) visa

2 min readOct 10, 2023


Here, I’d like share notes for applying High Potential Individual (HPI) visa in the UK from my experience on March 2023.

What is HPI visa

  • Eligibility: Anyone who graduated from eligible university in the last 5 years.
  • How long you can stay: 2 years. For doctor, 3 years.
  • Document need to submit:
    1. Statement from Ecctis: Ecctis issue proof of your qualification
    2. Proof of English level: Above level B1
    3. Bank statement:
    * Depends on your situation, some document doesn’t need
  • Cost:
Cost list(15Oct2023). Amount of healthcare surcharge varies depends on years to stay


My case of applying HPI visa on March, 2023

  • I’m Japanese who graduated from one of eligible university March 2018.
  • Switched from YMS visa to HPI visa
  • Located in UK when applied
  • Got refund for overlapped term with previous visa after asking refund to “”
    (supposed to be refunded automatically)

*As reference case, if you apply from outside of UK, schedule seems similar. My alumni friend from same term applied HPI visa when located in Japan and approved in similar schedule.

Ideal schedule for applying HPI visa

  • Prepare all 3 documents to upload before start HPI visa application
  • It can take around 2 month for whole process
  • Date for applying should be within 5 years after the date of qualified date. But date of approved is acceptable even after 5 years after the date of qualified date (at least my case).


