How To Tell If You Are a Hardbody

Marty Kunsman
2 min readMar 20, 2017


by Marty Kunsman, CNMT


It’s pretty easy to figure out if you are a Hardbody or not. Reach down to your leg. The quad, the hamstrings, anywhere. Try to pinch some skin. If you cannot pinch any skin, you are a Hardbody. Some people think that hardbody is a good thing. I’m one of the few people that think hard is not good. And, if you are a hardbody, you know what I mean. It is a sign that you are holding quite a bit of stress in your muscles.

The way to soften this hardness is through cardio exercise. This hardness does not let your nerves pass through what is supposed to be “soft tissue.” You may be having pain in your shoulders, your glutes, your hip/pelvis, or other areas. Don’t chase these symptoms. First, work on your container, your overall resting muscle tone.

Don’t be confused by the fitness industry who talks about hard and tone muscles. They are talking about muscles when they are flexed. Hardbodies muscles are always hard, even whey they are at rest.

See, it is probably an imbalance of your parasympathetic nervous system. All of the hours and hours you put in at your stressful job and you have not found a way to release this stress. It results in a hard dense container. I’m a massage therapist and I will feel it everywhere. Even when I shake your hands when I first meet you. The body does not have anywhere else to store this tension, so it spreads it evenly throughout the body.

Marty Kunsman is a graduate of the Academy of Somatic Healing Arts (ASHA) (Atlanta, Georgia). He currently writes and practices massage therapy in Charlotte, NC. He is the author of two books.

Hard Body Pain/Soft Body Bliss 2006, 2014

Hard Body Pain and Massage Therapy Solutions 2014

Available at




Marty Kunsman

Marty Kunsman is a Massage Therapist, writer and educator with an office in Davidson, NC. — Visit for more information.