My Exhibitionist Fantasy

8 min readJan 16, 2021


Hey guys, I know it’s been a long time since I last posted. I’ve been kind of busy, but I’ve been working on a new story which I will try to finish ASAP.

About this particular submission, it’s not a true story or anything. Its just a story me and my friend wrote imagining me as the protagonist and humiliating me as much as possible.

It ain’t a true story, just a bunch of fantasies clubbed together. It contains public nudity, cross dressing elements.

And thanks to my friend who initiated this particular fantasy. And also for her support. Thank you R.

All the characters in this story are in high school and are above 18.


The whole high-school is summoned for an announcement, I’m late and the principal is furious. She’s a young woman, gorgeous. There are hundreds of students.

I was called on stage because I’m late for an announcement and as part of a play that the principal wants to start early, she asks me to sit on a chair

Its hot so I try to remove a button of my shirt.

The principal is more pissed because of this and in order to humiliate me in front of hundreds of students, coincidentally all of them girls, she orders me to strip.

Everyone’s staring at me — all the girls.

I’m embarrassed but I do it anyway. Slowly, one button after another, I remove my shirt.

They’re gasping, they’re fixed on me.

As I remove my last button, the entire auditorium was watching with rapt attention. I slid my shirt of my shoulders and it pools around my shoes. I was standing bare chested in front of all the girls who started enjoying my humiliation

Next I bent down and started removing my shoes and then followed by my socks.

Now everything I’m wearing were my pants and a thong underwear. I thought of experimenting my new underwear by wearing them to school, but never in my wildest dreams I imagined that I’ll be showing them to hundreds of girls.

The principal ordered me to get going and that she don’t have all day. Then I fumbled with my belt and removed it and opened my pant button and unzipped my pants. I closed my eyes and slowly rolled down my pants and then I heard several grasps. I forcefully open my eyes and saw the girls staring at my thong. I got out of my trance and stepped out of my pants.

‘well well, nice choice of underwear. Give the audience a twrill’ order the principal. So I did. I closed my eyes and started rotating so that the audience can see my nearly naked butt

So I give a twirl and they ask me to do a pole dance too. My thing’s flapping but I do the dance anyway.

After my dance, the principal asks me to go around the auditorium and meet the girls personally and apologize them for being late.

So I walk down just in my thong into the crowd. I stop in front of each girl and apologize. I stand in front of them with my hands at my sides until they accept my apology. Once they did I move on to the next one. The girls used to smack my back as I passed them

One girl pulls the back of my thong to give me a wedgie, so as the girl was giving me a wedgie, my already hard dick was about to pop out and the friction gave me hot sensations

Due to that wedgie, the tip of my cock came out poking from my thong I was about to adjust it, but principal ordered my not to adjust my attire.

So I continued walking among my school mate girls. They got more daring.

One pulled my thong to as much as she can and released it, which hit me hard in my butt.

Other told me to do jumping Jack’s while apologising. As I was jumping my dick came out of the elastic and flapped around. The girls loved that and started laughing. I stopped jumping and walked to the next girl with my dick out.

The next girl ordered me to beg her to take away my thong and leave me naked. I did as she asked and begged her to do so. She made me stand straight and remove my thong. I did so and presented it to her, standing naked in front of everyone. The girl then asked me to present it the girl I had crush on.

I was scared to face her but I did it anyways and went to the girl I had a big crush on for a long time. She stared at me in amusement and took the thong. She then asked me to beg her to spank me. I begged her and she made me lay across her lap and she began spanking me. After 10 spanks, she invited everyone to give 10 spanks each.

As they all spanked me, I was getting soo hard and was about to cum. I told her that and she pushed me away from her lap so her dress won’t get spoiled . I fell on the floor on my butt and I orgasmed. I came for 6–7 times and all the cum landed on my body and some on my face

I laid there for sometime, too weak to get up. Then I eventually got up and was about to clean myself, but principal told me I looked good as the way I am and stopped me from cleaning myself. Then she told me to continue.

Just then another girl enters the room and was holding something in her hand. She came to me and opened her hands. There was a bra in her hands. She then ordered me to beg her to give me this bra so I can wear it. I did as asked and she helped me with that bra. It was too tight for me but she managed to hook me up.

Then I moved on to the next girl who held my hand and led me to the stage. She left me in the middle of the stage and went and whispered something to our principal. She listened carefully and nodded her head with a smile.

That girl then came near me and said louder that if she has to forgive me, I have to attend the school dressed as the way I am for the rest of the year. I was shock and thought that would be too much, so I said no. The principal got angry for this and threatened me that if I want my certificates I have do what she says. And she also added few more rules

She said that since I come by school bus, I have to leave my house naked and walk to bus stop and board the school bus naked.

Also, at the end of every day I have to beg any fellow classmate to bring an extra bra for me to wear the next day. And I’ll have to be the plaything of the person’s bra whom I’m wearing that entire day. It’s her wish if she wants to loan me to other people.

Also bathroom facilities were cut off for me. If I had to pee, there was special jug placed for me in middle of the campus halls. I’d have to pee in it in front of all the girls walking by and then deposit the contents in the girls washroom when there’s no one present in it. If I cause any spills outside the jar, I have to clean it myself.

I can be used as demonstration in any class as the teacher deems necessary.

Also any student can ask me for a ‘reasonable request’ meaning I have to do whatever that student asks me to do without question.

With that our principal dispersed the assembly and we were sent to our own classes.

I was stared at the entire time. Fortunately it was the last period and I rushed to my school bus immediately. I sat in a corner and ignored everyone through out the ride. Dreading what comes when I get home.

If I lived with my parents at least I could have gotten some sympathy from them. But they live in a different country, so I live with at my mom’s friends place. That place consists of my mom’s friend, who’s a single mother and her 4 daughters, who love making me uncomfortable. Two of them are of my age and 2 of them are in college

When the bus reached my place, that entire family were outside relaxing in the sun. Now I have to face them like this. I slowly got up and got down the bus. All 5 of them grasped when the saw me getting out of the bus wearing only a bra. I wanted the earth to swallow me.

They were still too shocked, as I was walking towards them, someone from the bus called me. It was the girl who gave me the bra. She asked for her bra back. With difficulty I took it off and gave it to her. Then I remembered my principals orders and asked another girl to get down the bus. Then I got on my knees and begged her to bring me another bra to wear tomorrow. She laughed and accepted. And the bus left.

I went to my hosts family and was about to explain, but aunty interrupted me and said that she didn’t believe what my principal said in a phone call earlier until now. Glad that I don’t have to explain myself, I rushed into the house to get clothed, only to find my entire wardrobe empty. Then all 5 of them entered my room and said that they took all my clothes on principals instructions and dumped them. She also mentioned that my bathroom facilities will be similar to that in my school and placed a jug on the pavement by the road outside the house. I was completely shocked, Realising that I had to spend an entire year naked.

