4 Reasons You Should Go to Betalist First

Dmitry Kaigorodov
4 min readOct 20, 2015


As the founder of a new web or mobile software company, you’re probably considering the myriad of options for getting feedback and promoting your product. There are a lot of great venues out there, but unless you’ve got a big marketing budget (and most start-ups don’t), it can be really tough work to hit all of them.

Here are 4 reasons to consider starting your hunt with Betalist.

These are based on my personal experience while working on my product Kuoll. Kuoll helps web developers offer better end user support, and fixes the bugs of bug-testing.

1. A Source for Qualitative Feedback

Betalist brings you people who are ready and waiting for beta. Talk to whose people. They are expecting you to talk, ask, and demo everything you’ve got.

What’s more, the feedback you’re getting is from people who would actually use your product. These are people who know what’s wrong with their current processes, can articulate those problems, and can see the value (or lack-thereof) of your solution. They offer specific criticism that can manifestly improve your product.

One friend of mine said he has achieved about 80% reply rate with Betalist subscribers. Wow, wow, wow. Is it possible with any other service?

2. Fail Fast, Succeed Fast, Grow Fast

The Betalist community expects you to already be in Beta. These are people that ache for new stuff to try out.

The Betalist cycle goes like this: you apply to betalist, wait for approval, work on your product. As you get approval, start talking to customers, show them your demo and spread the word.

This gives you the chance to get, and implement feedback really early, thus saving you lots of time and sparing wasted iterations (really great news for garage-based, low-budget startups). In other words, you can cut straight to the meat of your solution and confidently maintain trajectory towards the best possible product.

In Kuoll, for example, we received immeasurably valuable feedback that prompted us to switch directions from our initial idea as a Chrome extension for QA-department to a web script to support end users. If not for this feedback, we would be looking at hundreds of development hours wasted perfecting a product that doesn’t even fit its sales channel.

Without user feedback, you can never hope to achieve product-market fit.

3. Betalist is Your Buddy

Betalist is obviously not the largest web site out there. But in a climate where everyone is screaming for the consumer’s attention, it’s a really good place to start. Besides, if you’re in beta, then you’re probably not ready for the potential viral spread of Reddit just yet.

Betalist delivers your message to a focused group of people who are waiting to hear it. These are the early adopters and the influencers that later cause things to go viral. Lay a solid foundation with them, and you’ll be well prepared for viral marketing when the time comes.

When you immediately jump onto forums like Reddit, you’re just one more voice in an ocean of would-be spammers, social justice warriors, and cat videos. Unless you’ve got something revolutionary, hysterically funny, or marketed professionally — you can’t count on your product getting to the front page of Reddit.

With Betalist, on the other hand, you will get onto the home page as soon as you are approved and published. Big communities can be fickle, but Betalist does the vetting for you, so if you get approved, you already know you’re hitting the people you want to see your message. Yes it takes time, but if you don’t have the stamina for Betalist, then you don’t have the stamina for success.

Kuoll, by the way, is now a trending startup on Betalist. We are currently sitting loud and proud at the top of the Betalist homepage, so check us out!

4. Do not compete with Tesla X, yet

Imagine that you decided to run your campaign on ProductHunt and Adobe decided to launch their own new product on the same day. What crappy luck is that?

Needless to say, it might pose a problem: Overshadowed by the giants, your product won’t get the attention it deserves, and it might no longer even warrant a place into the daily newsletter. That’s a lot of lost work for a bit of unfortunate timing.

Betalist, of course, turns the tables: Betalist doesn’t have room for the big guys. After all, the giants are NOT IN BETA anymore!

There you have it! Four awesome reasons why Betalist is the best way to go for collecting influencer and earl-adopter feedback on your product. Create, Fail, Shape, and Grow!

What is Kuoll?

Kuoll is a web platform that enables developers to record and play end user actions together with the browser state. Kuoll record is a better way to report bugs.

Kuoll record is sufficient for developers to fix bugs without reproducing them, recording ALL end user actions via web page embedded JavaScript API or browser extension. Kuoll records complete browser state and user actions for faster bug fixing.

Start delivering better user support and better web app today.

And here’s one more bit of shameless self-promotion:

2 minute demo of how Kuoll actually works

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