PinnedJimmy LiuinKuo’s FunhouseCreating a Plugin for Android Studio (a complete walkthrough)Here I am trying to implement the latest libs.versions.toml in my application, but soon find myself exhausted from all those copy and paste…Dec 28, 2023Dec 28, 2023
Jimmy LiuinKuo’s FunhouseAndroid Thread 101 (Part II) — Lifecycle of a Thread?For anyone who don’t know what a Thread is, please feel free to take a look at Part I of Thread 101 series.Mar 11, 20221Mar 11, 20221
Jimmy LiuinKuo’s FunhouseAndroid Thread 101 (Part I)— What is a Thread ?I am writing this article to help myself and others to get a better understanding of thread in Android.Mar 11, 2022Mar 11, 2022
Jimmy LiuinKuo’s Funhouse泛型基礎 (一) — Java 與 Kotlin 的變型參數多型 (Parametric Polymorphism)是一種將類型參數化進而讓程式設計更為彈性的編程概念。 這便是大家所熟知的 Generic (泛型)。Dec 17, 2021Dec 17, 2021
Jimmy LiuinKuo’s Funhouse泛型基礎 (二) — Java 與 Kotlin 的變型點與 Wildcard 的使用在介紹泛型與變型時,我有提到在 Java 與 Kotlin 中他們是如何被定義與使用。這篇我們來談談在 Java 與 Kotlin 中定義變型的時機吧。Dec 17, 2021Dec 17, 2021
Jimmy LiuinKuo’s Funhouse泛型基礎 (三) — Java 與 Kotlin 向下相容、Type Erasure 和 RiefiableJava 5 推出泛型後要如何做到向下相容呢?Dec 17, 2021Dec 17, 2021
Jimmy LiuJourney with Kotlin 002.5 : Ways to create OnClickListenerApparently, there are 4 ways in totalOct 29, 2019Oct 29, 2019
Jimmy LiuJourney with Kotlin 001 — Hello WorldAn introduction to Android StudioOct 24, 2019Oct 24, 2019