Simple Health Benefits of Essential Oils

kureit now
3 min readNov 7, 2022

Essential oils have become very popular these days as they are used in different parts of the world for different purposes. However, despite their popularity, many people have little or no idea about the origin or production of essential oils.

Healing Oil
Photo by Kadarius Seegars on Unsplash

Essential oils are made from plants. Through the steaming and pressing process, these oils and compounds responsible for the scents and fragrance in the plants are trapped and bottled. These oils work using the human sense of smell. The molecules in the oil go into the olfactory nerves in the nose, and from there, goes to the brain to interact with the part of the brain known as the limbic system. This part of the brain regulates moods, emotions, memories, and sensations. The oils also get into the body system when they are rubbed on the skin and seep through the holes in the skin to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

What are the Health Benefits of Essential Oils?

Reduces Anxiety and Stress

This has been one of the leading health benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils. When people buy healing natural oils online, they seek the ability of the oils to work with the limbic system and regulate the causes of anxiety and stress in the human body.

There was also a medical study carried out in 2019 that proved that inhaling or ingesting lavender oil can reduce anxiety levels in humans. The same effect was also noticed when lavender oil was used to administer a full body massage to people with anxiety.

This effect could be due to the presence of linalool and linalyl acetate. Some health experts advised people to consider essential oils such as orange oil, bergamot oil, cedarwood oil, and lemongrass oil if they want to buy healing essential oils online.

Relieves Migraine and Headache

Headaches and migraine are very common sources of pain in many parts of the world. They are responsible for the inability of many adults to function properly while also signaling the onset of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or stress.

Essential oils have been proven to be effective against headaches and the like. One of the essential oils useful in this regard is peppermint oil. The presence of menthol in peppermint oil could be regarded as the reason why peppermint oil works for headaches and migraine.

Menthol has a cooling effect, which allows peppermint oil to relieve pain.

Treat Nausea

If you feel queasy, essential oils such as ginger oil and peppermint oil may help you relieve the symptoms. Peppermint oil has the required chemical compound to relax muscles in the gastrointestinal tract and relieve the signs of nausea. On the other hand, ginger works by enhancing the digestive process and ensuring that food does not stay for long in the gastrointestinal tract.


When you buy healing natural oils online, you should not only look out for the aromatic accent but also the healing properties of these oils.

