Why I Feel Like a Kid in a Candy Store Every Time I Get a New Shipment of Products

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3 min readJun 4, 2023


Hello, fellow e-commerce aficionados! Today, I want to discuss a feeling that’s as universal to entrepreneurs as caffeine addiction — that giddy, over-the-moon excitement whenever a new shipment of products arrives. You know the one. It’s like being a kid in a candy store, except instead of sugar highs, we’re riding the wave of entrepreneurship!

It all begins with anticipation. The tracking numbers, the shipping updates, the estimated arrival times — it’s like waiting for Christmas, your birthday, and a new season of your favorite show all rolled into one. Except, instead of Santa, it’s the UPS guy. And instead of unwrapping presents, you’re slicing open boxes with the precision of a surgeon… or a five-year-old with a pair of safety scissors, depending on your level of excitement.

As the shipment arrives and the unboxing begins, there’s a sense of exhilaration that’s hard to describe. Imagine being a kid in a candy store, eyes wide as you take in rows of colorful, sugary treats. Now, replace the gummy bears and chocolate bars with your latest batch of products — be it stylish apparel, funky gadgets, or artisanal bath bombs that smell good enough to eat (though I wouldn’t recommend it).

And then there’s the moment of discovery. The first time you lay eyes on your new products, it’s like the golden ticket scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It’s a moment of pure, unfiltered joy. And sure, we might not have a crowd of onlookers cheering us on, but isn’t the silent admiration of your office plants enough?

Every item you pull out of the box is a mini adventure. There’s the “Will it live up to my expectations?” suspense, the “It looks even better than the pictures!” surprise, and the “I can’t wait for my customers to see this!” thrill. The rollercoaster of emotions is enough to give even the most seasoned entrepreneur a rush. And if you find yourself doing a happy dance in your warehouse, office, or living room, don’t worry — you’re not alone.

Then comes the moment of validation. You picked these products. You chose them for your store. You envisioned them delighting your customers, and here they are, in the flesh — or in the fabric, metal, or whatever material they’re made of. It’s like choosing the perfect candy from the store as a kid and knowing you made the right call (I’m looking at you, sour gummy worms).

As you examine each product, test its quality, and imagine it finding a home with your customers, it’s hard not to feel a sense of pride. You’ve curated a collection representing your brand, vision, and commitment to your customers. At that moment, you’re not just an entrepreneur — you’re an explorer, a treasure hunter, and, yes, a kid in a candy store.

So, here’s to the new shipments, the thrill of discovery, and the joy of entrepreneurship. May every delivery bring you the same giddy excitement as a child with a pocketful of coins in a candy store. And remember, in the world of e-commerce, it’s perfectly okay to savor the sweetness of every small victory along the way.

Do you have a shipment story that makes you feel like a kid in a candy store? Share it in the comments. We’re all here for the sweet, sweet tales of e-commerce success!

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True, untrue, but always funny tales of life as an ecom merchant.



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True and untrue, but always funny. The Hilarious Side of Being an E-commerce Merchant.