Programming Languages To NOT Learn In 2023, 2024, 2025, But Maybe 2026

An article with no research or citations

Kurt S. Inu
4 min readMar 4, 2023
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash. Did you know that a stop sign means to stop, THEN PROCEED??!?!? Wow! The things you learn every day!

(A parody of Programming Languages NOT To Learn In 2023!)

Hi everyone! My name is Kurt Shiba Inu, and I enjoy writing things on Medium that are occasionally related to computer science and software engineering. If you would like to read more content like this, consider subscribing. If you clicked becuase you actually want to start learning how to program, then may God help us all.

I want to start by saying that there are no bad programming languages. All programming languages have uses. The cool thing about programming languages is that they are programming languages.

Below are some programming languages I consider bad, in spite of the fact that I have never used and know nothing about any of them.


The issues that Java has is the same as what I said previously about C#. The setup time takes some time, and you have to write extra lines of code to do something whereas in other languages you can do the same thing in one line of code. Instead of starting out with Java, I think you’re better off with JavaScript or Python as your first language.
— Actual quote from the article



Kurt S. Inu

This blog is for humor/satire. If you want to actually learn coding, do not waste your clicks on it.