This 40-Day Challenge Can Land You Into MAANG! Maybe. IDK

I definitely didn’t do any of this, but I suppose that if you do then you might get into MAANG

Kurt S. Inu
4 min readSep 18, 2022
Photo by Becky Mattson on Unsplash. This is the official symbol of MAANG companies, a mango. Anyone who questions it is banned.

(A parody of This 40-Day Challenge can land you into MAANG!!)

The tech obsession with FAANG companies is interesting — even Cramer, the one who came up with it, is tired of the term. Cramer has been pushing really hard to rename FAANG as MAMAA (no, really), but the term just has not caught on.

I guess we can go with MAANG for now. Microsoft? Garbage. Salesforce? Garbage. If it’s not one of those five, you may as well be working at CORGICorporation.

Sprint I: First 10 Days

Pick a programming language. Get your syntax right. You don’t need to spend money on this. Here, I will make it easy for you. Some folks like to read and learn while others want to watch and learn. I will post some editorials and tutorials for you to choose from.
— Actual quote from the article

Okay, so this part is by far the easiest: Learn a programming language in ten days. I know what you’re thinking — that is probably an unnecessary step. In my other blog posts, I have laid out detailed instructions for how you can become a top tech writer on Medium without knowing a single thing about tech…



Kurt S. Inu

This blog is for humor/satire. If you want to actually learn coding, do not waste your clicks on it.