Swinging at ideas hoping I hit something. Illustration by Graphic Geek.

Game Design & Iteration

Kurt Potts


I recently started writing my first Tabletop RPG. About three weeks into the process I realized my scope was too large for my first project. It was going to be months before I could build out a minimum viable product and start play testing.

I decided to take a step back and start with something I could fail at faster. With that in mind I began to write a goblin murder mystery. A game in which players try to find out who among them killed their chief all while trying to claim control of the tribe. As I worked through the rules and moves the parts that stood out to me were how the goblins would gain control of the tribe. So I shifted focus from solving the murder to naming the new chief.

With that new goal in mind things started to fall into place. The players should represent a faction within the tribe not an individual Goblin. This prevents weird issues in the narrative. I also stretched out time so a round represents a few weeks not a few minutes. This let me add in the Get Frisky move so players can essentially “heal” the tribe. It also allowed me to have invaders attack each round. Original the invaders attacked at the mid point to shake things up like the tilt in Fiasco. The biggest thing I realized is that the game doesn’t need a GM. All the events can happen each round or get triggered by cards.

What follows is version 1.0 of Goblin Tribe: Factions. It turned out to be less of a story game and more about moving dice around, but on paper it sounds fun and I’m looking forward to playtesting. If you try the game be sure to come back and leave a comment with your experience.

Goblin Tribe: Factions

In Goblin Tribe you play a faction of goblins that think they should be in charge of the tribe. Each round a random number of invaders attack your lair until the Chief ultimately dies. When the Chief dies all factions compete to name the new Chief. Will your faction try to grow the tribe and protect it from invaders or grow your own strength leaving the tribe vulnerable?


You’ll need about 40–50 six sided dice (d6) which are shared by the whole table. A deck of cards, pencils, paper, about 8 dice trays and 4–6 players.

The invaders deck

At the beginning of the game remove the jokers from the deck. Draw 6 random cards. Set aside three of the random cards and shuffle one joker into the other three. Place the 3 set aside random cards on top of the 4 shuffled cards. This is the invaders deck. The other set aside joker is removed from the game.

The initiative deck

The remainder of the deck of cards forms the initiative deck.


The primary objective of Goblin Tribe is to laugh with your friends while they try out that awful goblin voice. However if crushing your friends into submission and asserting yourself as their rightful ruler is more your speed you can do that too. The “winner” is the faction which names the new chief.

Turns, Rounds & Ending the Game

Turns & initiative

Each player takes one turn per round by choosing a Move, selecting a target, playing out the scene, and rolling their pool to resolve the Move. Some groups may prefer to resolve the Move first to inform the scene.

Because turn order can be important it is randomized by drawing cards. Take the rest of the deck of cards and use it for initiative. At the start of each round deal each player one card. Work your way down from aces to 2’s. Break ties by suit in reverse alphabetical order.

Example: Ten of Spades beats a Ten of Clubs


Once each player has taken a turn the Invaders attack. When the invader turn has been resolved draw a card from the invaders deck and see if the chief died in the attack.

Ending the game

At the end of each round draw a card from the invaders deck. When the red card is drawn the Chief dies triggering the Chief is dead. A game will last 4–7 rounds.


Borrow: When you borrow a die it is temporarily removed from the target’s pool and placed adjacent to your pool. Once used the die is returned.

Crit: Rolling more than one 6 results in a critical success.

Destroy: When a die is destroyed it is removed from the targets pool and the game.

Gain: When a target gains dice in their pool the gained dice are not removed from any other pool. They are added to the game.

Lend: When you lend a die it is temporarily removed from your pool and placed adjacent to the. target pool. Once used the die is returned.

Lose: When you lose a die it is removed from your pool and added to the target pool.

Move: The types of actions factions can take.

Pool: All dice possessed by a target form their pool. Borrowed dice are included in the current owners pool. Each faction’s strength is represented by how many dice it has in it’s pool.

Steal: When you steal a die it is removed from the target pool and added to your pool.

You: Refers to the character making the roll.

Rolling Dice

Whenever you would roll dice you must roll all the dice in your pool including borrowed dice. If you have 0 dice you roll 2 and take the lowest.

When rolling for a Move you roll your pool and keep the highest die.

1–3 is a failure or complication.
4–5 is a partial success.
6 is a good success.
Multiple 6’s is a critical success or Crit.

When rolling Opposed you aren’t concerned with how well you succeed but who wins. All targets involved roll their pool and the roll with the most 6’s wins. In the event of a tie equal results cancel each other out. 6’s cancel 6’s, 4–5 cancel 4–5, If they are still tied the larger pool wins.

Example 1: The tribe is rolling against the invaders.
The tribe gets 6,3,1,2,6,3,2,1.
The invaders get 6,4,5,5,5,5,5,2,3.

In this example the tribe wins because they have the most 6’s.

Example 2: All players are rolling to see who names the new chief.
Player 1: 6,5,4,5,3
Player 2: 6,6,4
Player 3: 6,2,3,6,5
Player 4: 5,5,5,4,5

In this example players 2 and 3 are tied with two 6’s. To break the tie we compare their results of 4–5. Player 2 has a 4 and Player 3 has a 5 these cancel out leaving them tied again. Now we compare the size of their pool. Player 3 has the larger pool at 5 dice so they win the opposed roll.


The tribe pool has 4 dice per player. Be sure to get a big cup or tray to hold the tribe pool.


To create your faction take one die from the tribe and add it to your pool. Choose your faction’s ability (see Abilities below) and get started.


At the end of each round 3+1d3 invaders attack the tribe. The invader’s pool equals 2x the number of invaders.

The invaders begin by encountering any traps that have been set. They encounter the traps in the order they were set. If they have any dice remaining by the time they reach the tribe they make an opposed roll against the tribe’s pool. Each remaining 6 in the invader’s pool destroys one die from the tribes pool. If the tribe’s pool is empty and would lose any number of dice all players must destroy one die from their pool.

Example: The tribe rolls 6,4,5,3,4,3,2 and the invaders get 4,5,3,6,6,2,4,6.
After comparing rolls the invaders have 2 more 6’s than the tribe so they destroy 2 dice from the tribe’s pool.

Chief is dead

When the chief dies all factions are encouraged to present their arguments as to why they deserve to name the next chief. If any player wishes they may lend a die to another faction signifying their support. Once all factions have had a chance to state their arguments or pledge their support for another faction all players make an opposed roll. The winner of the opposed roll names the new chief and “wins” the game.


Moves in Goblin Tribe represent the whole scene in which the actions take place. Select a move based on the type of outcome and methods you wish to employ in that scene. You are encouraged to describe your actions and roll play out the scene if it involves other characters. Scenes can be as long or short as you want them to be.

Set Traps

Poison Darts, Burmese tiger pits, exploding bunnie rabbits.
Traps are the primary defence for a Goblin Tribe as they can steal dice from invaders when they are encountered. Be sure to make them as elaborate as possible.

1–3 Destroy a die from the invader’s pool.
4–5 The tribe steals one die from the invader’s pool.
6 You steal one die from the invader’s pool.
Crit You and the tribe steal 1 die each from the invaders pool.

Placing Traps: Place traps between the tribe and the invaders. Be sure to note who created each trap and the die result. It might help to use index cards or post-it notes as the order can be altered. Traps are placed in the order they were created. The early goblin gets the treasure. When a trap is encountered by invaders it is destroyed. Traps not encountered remain for the next round.


If all else fails just bite their face.
Scrap represents physical violence. When you scrap you can target another Faction or the Tribe. You cannot steal or borrow more dice than a target has so pick on someone your own size.

1–3 You lose one die to the target.
4–5 You borrow one die from the target.
6 You steal one die from the target.
Crit You steal 2 dice from the target.

Talk Smack

Spread a little gossip, threaten their life, fart and blame it on someone else.
When you Talk Smack you target another Faction. A target cannot lose more dice than they have so pick on someone your own size.

1–3 You lose one die to the tribe.
4–5 The target lends one die to the tribe.
6 The target loses one die to the tribe.
Crit The target loses 2 dice to the tribe.


Who’s the best, We are. Our teeth are the pointiest!
When you Brag you target the tribe.

1–3 You lose one die to the tribe.
4–5 You borrow one die from the tribe.
6 You steal one die from the tribe.
Crit You steal 2 dice from the tribe.

Get Frisky

Fire up that half broken music box, throw a cave rat on the fire and lay your body down.
There are always more goblins than you think. This move pays off in the following round when your litter is born. Be sure to check with your group before roll playing out steamy goblin intimacy.

1–3 You lose one die to the tribe.
4–5 The tribe gains one die.
6 The tribe gains two dice.
Crit The tribe gains two dice and you gain one.


To keep things interesting two factions may not take the same ability. If there is a dispute draw initiative and chose in turn.

Trap Expert

When you Set Traps you may place them anywhere in the trap order.


When you Get Frisky increase your result one step. 1–3 > 4–5 > 6 > Crit. If you Crit instead The tribe gains 2 dice and you gain 2 dice.


When you Brag about your deity use Preach instead.

Your deity requires sacrifice, but sometimes he will deliver new followers to your tribe.

1–3 You destroy one die from your pool.
4–5 You borrow one die from the tribe.
6 You steal one die from the tribe.
Crit You gain 1 die and steal 1 die from the tribe.

Secret Stash

You have a secret stash and cannot lose your last die.


Before you Scrap borrow one die from the tribe.

Back Scratcher

With the targets permission lend them a die before they roll. If they succeed borrow a die from them.



Kurt Potts

Graphic Designer. When I can, I write and play tabletop games.