
How To Manage Scheduled Notifications In Expo App: Local Notifications

Caner Kuru
5 min readMay 9, 2023

Hello everyone! I’ve been working on an exciting React Native project lately and, I recently reached a stage where I needed to set up intelligently scheduled notifications to maintain user engagement.

To achieve this, we’ve decided to send a notification, requesting a review or feedback from users two weeks after they create their account and, Local Notifications turned out to be the perfect solution for this!

Since I’m the only Mobile Developer in this project, I decided to build it with Expo because it provides a library that supports me through development to deployment, and Expo enables me to work much more efficiently and quickly.

I thought it would be valuable to share my experience and the approach I took with all of you. Please feel free to leave a comment if you find any areas for improvement in the code, have questions or just simply for anything.

Let’s begin!

First Step: Install the dependency

npx expo install expo-notifications

Next Step: Configure App.json file

Remember to modify the paths of the icon and sound files based on your codebase for Android devices.



Caner Kuru

React.js & React Native Guru | TanStack/React Query Lover | Software Engineer | Gamer