F.A.Q : BONUSES, MAT token, KRK coin

Petr Matyukov
3 min readDec 6, 2017


Q: What bonuses are offered?

You can get as much as 81% of total bonus buying Miniapps.pro tokens (MAT).

First, you get 8% bonus straight away. This bonus is credited to your account as soon as you send Ethers to the smart contract address.

Second, you can get 50% to 75% bonus by exchanging MAT to KRK coin during the Phase 2.

Note that KRK is a coin of another Ethereum based blockchain that you can mine. In the process of Miniapps.pro project further development KRK will form a blockchain for community tokenization featuring a simple and convenient chatbot interface and semantic smart contracts easily understandable by common people.

If you purchase MAT tokens before December 1, 2017, you can exchange them to KRK with 75% bonus. Bonus of 50% will be applicable from 1 to 19 of December.

Q: How can I exchange MAT tokens to KRK coin?

You should register with https://tokens.miniapps.pro indicating your email and Ethereum wallet number where your MAT tokens are stored.

Important! To be able to get Phase 1 bonuses, you should necessarily indicate the exact address from which you purchased MAT.

On the start of the conversion procedure (the exact start time to become known before Phase 2) you will get a notification containing the address of the smart contract that you should transfer your MAT tokens to. After the transfer you will get an appropriate sum in KRK coins. They will be put into the same wallet the MAT tokens were transferred from.

Q: How can I be sure I will get the bonuses upon the exchange?

When we receive your MAT for exchange, we verify your wallet address and get to know the date you purchased your tokens. If the date of the purchase (the earliest purchase is taken into account) is earlier than 1st of December, you get 75% bonus; if it is between 1st and 19th of December, your bonus is 50%.

It means that the bonus is attached to your wallet.

Q: What if later I add some tokens to the wallet with 75% bonus assigned?

Assume, you made the first purchase before 1st of December and entitled to claim 75% bonus upon the exchange.

If later you purchase the tokens and add them to the same wallet, you still can exchange them with 75% bonus.

Even after the end of Phase 1 you still can purchase the tokens (e.g. through EtherDelta exchange) and add them to your wallet to get 75% bonus.

In other words, the bonus is firmly attached to your wallet and does not change, no matter how many MAT are in it.

Q: What is the rate of exchange of MAT token to KRK coin?

1 MAT = 0.01 ETH during Phase 1. It means that in Phase 2 you can use 1 MAT as equivalent of 0.01 ETH and get the relative sum in KRK.

In Phase 2 KRK rate is estimated as 0.0001 ETH. It means that you can exchange 1 MAT to 100–175 KRK depending on bonuses.

Q: Why do we need new KRK coin?

It will help make tokenization simple for everybody. Which means new marketing tools for business and any community.
You can build your own tokens in minutes with templates and visual editor.

Q: Why KRK is better than MAT?

KRK provides same functionality as MAT, plus it is a mineable coin which gives easy way to create new tokens.

Q: Does MAT have any value other than its exchange for KRK?

MAT is partners tokens for miniapps network and will have this status in 2018.

Both MAT and KRK will be available on crypto exchanges.

Important! To get bonuses you should register at https://tokens.miniapps.pro and join our group in Telegram https://t.me/miniapps_pro

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Petr Matyukov

Co-founder KIRIK PROTOCOL , Head of innovations at Eyeline.mobi Fintech Blockchain AI Machine Learning chatbots USSD. Crypto enthusiast. Chess master. Poetry.