Creating a Welcoming and Inclusive Environment: A Guide to Making Your Hotel LGBTQ Friendly and avoiding pinkwashing.


Making a hotel LGBTQ-friendly is not just about adding rainbow flags and posters, but creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all guests regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity. The following are some steps hotels can take to ensure they are genuinely LGBTQ-friendly and avoid pinkwashing.

1. Develop policies and procedures that protect the rights of LGBTQ guests. This includes having non-discrimination policies in place, training staff on LGBTQ inclusion, and providing gender-neutral restrooms and facilities.

2. Partner with LGBTQ organisations. Hotels can collaborate with local LGBTQ organisations and advocacy groups to better understand the needs and concerns of the LGBTQ community.

3. Offer inclusive amenities and services. This includes having inclusive language in all marketing materials, offering gender-neutral bathrobes, providing LGBTQ-themed TV channels, and offering a variety of LGBT literature and resources.

4. Foster a culture of inclusivity. This includes providing diversity and inclusion training for staff, encouraging open communication, and promoting diversity in the workplace.

5. Be transparent about your commitment to the LGBTQ community. This includes publicly announcing your commitment to inclusion, having an LGBTQ-friendly designation, and actively participating in LGBTQ events and initiatives.

To determine if a property is genuinely LGBTQ-friendly or if they are simply “pinkwashing,” consider the following:

  1. Look for hotels that have been designated as LGBTQ-friendly by credible organisations.

2. Read reviews from LGBTQ guests to see their experiences at the hotel.

3. Check if the hotel has a diverse workforce, including employees who identify as LGBTQ.

4. Research the hotel’s policies and procedures, such as their non-discrimination policies, to see if they protect the rights of LGBTQ guests.

5. Ask the hotel directly about their commitment to LGBTQ inclusivity and what specific steps they have taken to support the community.

In conclusion, hotels can take several steps to ensure they are genuinely LGBTQ friendly and avoid pinkwashing techniques. These steps include developing policies and procedures that protect the rights of LGBTQ guests, offering inclusive amenities and services, and fostering a culture of inclusivity. To determine if a property is truly LGBTQ friendly, consider its designation, guest reviews, diversity of its workforce, policies and procedures, and direct inquiry about its commitment to LGBTQ inclusivity.



Graeme Watson - Founder of Kusa Connect

Passionate travel writer sharing industry insights, stories, and tips to help you plan your next adventure. Join me on my journey of wanderlust and exploration.