Kushal Rajput
3 min readOct 16, 2020


The Concept of Shiv-Shakti has its deep roots in the philosophy of Yoga, especially in the tradition of Tantra Yoga. Seen as Manifest and Unmanifest. In Yoga the union of Shiva-Shakti is seen as the union of Consciousness and energy. One cannot exist without another. It is a non-duality form and they are mirror images of each other, together they become an indestructible force. The Masculine & Feminine that is present within each an individual and the cosmos as a whole.

Shakti means power or an energy, a fundamental concept in Hinduism which is often associated with the feminine principle and personified by Devi. In Hinduism, Shakti is seen as a cause of creation, the element of change as well as the cause of union or liberation. It's Most significant form is Kundalini Shakti. The Adi Para Shakti is personified as eternal pure divine consciousness that is "Shunya Bindu"- The Zero Divine Energy, which is then expressed as "Prakriti" or as Universe Nature. Hence Adi Para Shakti is Param Prakriti.

The concept of Adi Shakti is very similar with modern discoveries, in the field of Modern Science and Technology, Energy is the basic entity that is the base form as energy doesn't require any base!! When Energy exists even after destruction of the universe, science named it as Blacked Energy, responsible for destruction and vacuum energy that creates a universe. The energy that exists after destruction and before creation is called Zero Energy or Sacred Energy.

Scriptures like Devi Bhagwat, Vedas consider Maa Kali as Dark Energy that dissolves the entire universe along with time. Maa Lalita Tripura Sundari gives the birth to the universe in the form of a cosmic egg that manifested the universe. Finally, Adi Shakti is the zero energy that exists even after the destruction of the universe and before its creation.

Adi Para Shakti, Adi Shakti and Shakti are the synonyms and are the same power that metamorphosed from one to another. If you look at eternity, they look the same, they are born from the same things but they look different from each other. Adi Para Shakti represents the cosmic power of the universe. Adi Shakti represents the ancient power of the planet earth. And Shakti represents the power or true nature that is available on the Earth.

//Adi Yogi Shiva manifests in the masculine form of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Rudra as their active force respectively. Divine mother Adi Para Shakti created the trinity of Gods and Goddess by fusing of energy through separation method. She also created Goddess of Trinity called as Maa Mahakali, Maa Mahalakshmi and Maa Mahasaraswati who as soulmate of Gods and fulfilled the designated task of creation, preservation and destruction of nature.

From the union of Purush and Prakriti or Lord Shiva and Shakti, the creation emerges. The action results from positive and negative forces, at the root of creative force we find Adi Shakti as the Universal Mother. The researchers agreed that energy is the root factor of creation. By dividing the atom, Modern Scientists took advantage of a force powerful enough to devastate the entire world in a few minutes. She is everywhere and yet she is invisible like an inactive Kundalini. She is Praan but she is also a subtle energy that gives rise to praan. She is seeker and the ultimate happiness, Jay Shiv Shakti!!



Kushal Rajput

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