Kushal Kumar
4 min readMay 23, 2024

Global fears of WW3 being expressed in news after death of former Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi and seven others in air crash on Sunday, 19 May 2024.

(i). Global fears of WW3 being expressed in news after death of former Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi and seven others in air crash on Sunday, 19 May 2024 near the border with Azerbaijan. Somewhere relevant to the tragic happening and the fears of speculation of WW3 being expressed in news, it may be apt to take readers through the predictive inputs in this Vedic astrology writer’s predictive articles as follow at (ii) and (iii).

(ii). The predictive article — “Growing challenges to global security scenario appear to be shaping up dangerously into happening of WW3 during 29 March to 21 April in 2024” — published at medium.com/@kushal1948 on 15 March 2024. The features in the article which appear to have relevance to the fears in speculation in news call for a occasion to reproduce here.

“(b). Here follow the salient features of upcoming likely major worrisome concerns in global countries during 29 March to 21 April in 2024:

(1). WW3 or something comparable may likely break out during 29 March to 21 April in 2024. It may take into its fold some or most countries mentioned in the list. Sea will be the centre of operations mostly while some operations or places lesser in the estimates or reckoning , may grow operative in use;

(3). Some persons charged with authority to govern in some countries may find it tough and hard to cope up with the major worrisome emerging scenario. Some are likely to be seriously unwell or may even resign. Upheavals in the political scene cannot be ruled out. In short, where vulnerable, the contemporary planetary movements suggest that army may step in to take overall control;

(d). Aviation and tourism sectors appear to be hit and so is the economic sector. Ambitious enterprises may not move further.

( e ). It may be alright to be alert against conspiratorial and deceptive circumstances.

(h). Now, some or more or most countries which may likely witness one or more or most of the major worrisome concerns enumerated here before:-

Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greenland, Hungary, Iran, Israel, India, Japan, Koreas, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, most of Middle East, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Ukraine, and the United States. The list is not exhaustive, although it covers most of countries.”

(iii). The predictive input in paragraph (b) of this Vedic astrology writer’s article — “Global security concerns in the face of ongoing war tensions in the Middle East and Russia — Ukraine” — published at medium.com/@kushal1948 on 24 April 2024, reproduced here now as follows:-

“(b). A question may arise whether the ongoing war tensions would escalate or ease. A reading of the ongoing planetary movements and their impacts on the earth appear to be suggesting that Wednesday, 8 May 2024 or around may need to be watched with utmost care from the standpoint of highest escalation of war in the regions — Koreas, China-Taiwan, the Middle East involving Israel and others in the Middle East, and Ukraine-Russia, anger of NATO could also find expression.”

(iv). Briefly speaking, readers may note that while the period of time from 29 March to 21 April in current year 2024 was predicted to be major worrisome in relation to war condition in hotspots across world, the month of May in 2024, particularly around 8 May, was indicated carrying highest escalation in such war fronts as Koreas, China-Taiwan, the Middle East involving Israel and others in the Middle East, and Ukraine-Russia, anger of NATO could also find expression. Some indications of related leader or leaders in such regions having serious health concern or resigning was also indicated. Furthermore, aviation sector and tourism was also indicated being hit hard. Furthermore, alert was also sounded against conspiratorial or deceptive circumstances. In the light of these details, an impression gathered is that some well defined indication of alert had found a mention for better care and appropriate strategy for men who matter in countries at war, directly or indirectly.

(v). NOW, Tuesday, 18 June 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3 although 10 and 29 June may have a say as well.

(vi). The predictive article of this writer published on 15 March 2024, referred here, can be reached via https://medium.com/@kushal1948/growing-challenges-to-global-security-scenario-appear-to-be-shaping-up-dangerously-into-happening-d27539bc1086

(vii). The predictive article of this writer published on 24 April 2024, also referred here, can be reached via https://medium.com/@kushal1948/global-security-concerns-in-the-face-of-ongoing-war-tensions-in-the-middle-east-and-russia-e162fa69d1e4

Kushal Kumar,

Sector 20, Panchkula-134117,

Haryana, India.

Kushal Kumar

I am focused on global affairs employing Vedic astrology. My yearly predictive inputs, sufficiently prior, have stood test of time.