Blog Post 6: Video Game Prototype

Kushal Cuttari
2 min readApr 16, 2019


Squares vs. Circles

The game is played by controlling your character (the white square) with either the WASD control scheme or your arrow keys. The goal of the game is to avoid touching the circle ninjas at all cost and collect as many gold coins as you could. There are a few current known issues with the game right now. If you download the executable and launch it, after your character dies, you have to completely relaunch the game as the ui crashes the unity launcher. This is something I intend to fix and move on with my project. From alpha there has been significant progress. The art now has a consistent theme as we went with a space theme and the game as whole looks a lot better now. Additionally, there was a slight revamp of enemy movement, enemies have less of a tendency to clump together and spread out/track better. The player itself has had movement changed slightly, forces are applied differently to allow for a little less floatiness. Finally, the biggest change is there is a new “spawner” which acts as another way for the player to stop their own motion. I would say there is significant progress from the alpha and I’m happy with the current iteration of the game. I do however want to add more spawn patterns for enemies, add enemy to enemy collision, and add even more actionable drops.

