The role of “SLEEP” in self care

Grow and Glow
3 min readMar 30, 2024


Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

We might not realize it, but every night when we close our eyes, our body and mind are busy working on the things to make us feel the best.

Our body knows the best for us, and it’s up to us to maintain our habit in such a way that it can function properly.

So we should give our body the rest it deserves.

Our liver takes 3 hours to detox. So when we go to sleep, nothing else should happen in the body.

When we get up with less sleep, our system liver can’t detox properly.

Hippocampus is where the learning, functioning, and focus happen. When we lose sleep, for every hours of reduction of 8 hour of sleep, you will loose about 40% of your focus.

The hippocampus in your body needs 8 hours of sleep to be ready for full functioning of the body.

Whenever I wakeup with a proper sleep at night, I feel so energetic, fresh and focused. But when I wake up with a limited and untimely sleep, my eyes starts paining from the very first hour.

Headache keeps continuing for the whole day, and thus, I can’t focus on my studies and work properly.

In my case sleep is the essential part of my well being. Sleep plays a vital role for making my day good/bad.

Maintain your constant sleep schedule and sleep regularly at that time. It will only have benefits.

When we maintain a proper time to sleep, then the next day we can do more things in less time with that all fresh mood and good energy.

If you have inconsistent sleeping habit and trying to get out of it then I got you.

Here are some tips that helped me to be in my consistent sleep schedule and might help you as well.

  1. Make your particular routine for sleeping and don’t compromise that time.
  2. Put away your smartphone and other gadgets from your bed before sleeping.
  3. Prep your bedtime, meditate before bed. Chant high vibration mantra such as “Om”.
  4. If you can’t sleep after going to bed then don’t come back to your phone.
  5. Just stay in your bed and focus or visualize the positive things.
  6. Be grateful for your day.
  7. Take a bath before bed (avoid hair you may get fever, if you are habitual then you won’t)
  8. Cold shower before bed helps you to soothe your mind and removes your stress that you gained throughout the day.
  9. Don’t sleep wearing tight clothes, wear comfortable clothes while sleeping.
  10. Turn off your light before sleeping. Light can disturb your sleep(for some)
  11. Sleep with positive energy and positive vibration
  12. People nowadays have a habit of drinking coffee and tea just before their bedtime. Try to avoid these habits because caffeine consumption before bed disturbs your sleep.
  13. Make sure you sleep for 8 hours.
  • If you have inconsistent time in sleeping due to your work or anything, then you can do yourself a favor of maintaining a consistent sleep schedule for the daytime.
  • Maintain the sleeping environment dark so that you can channel your body towards bed, indicating it’s a sleeping time.
  • Limit screen time if you didn’t get time to sleep at night and make a chance for yourself to give the rest to your body that it needs.
  • If you are a night shift person, then stay hydrated during that time.
  • Take short naps if it’s possible for you.

I hope this article helps you.

How much did you sleep last night ?



Grow and Glow

We write about lifestyle and conciousness ✨ Sharing journey and experiences that reflects.