Ozone Chain - Revolution On Blockchain Security With Quantum Resilience

6 min readJun 8, 2023



Currently, the development of quantum computers has placed symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic systems that are widely used in the world, this is a dangerous initial foundation for all active blockchains.

Quantum computers are capable of solving many types of conventional cryptography, due to their intrinsic quantum qualities such as superposition and attachment to quantum algorithms which use these properties to speed up cryptanalytic computations.

Conventional cryptographic techniques that have been used to secure data continue to face serious threats from the development of quantum computing, it is very important to create new security solutions that can withstand quantum attacks. Given this, it is possible that a quantum computer will decrypt data using currently used encryption techniques.

The OZONE project is currently at the forefront of this initiative. With plans to increase the security of blockchain networks, OZONE has researched and created post-quantum cryptography and quantum random numbers. OZONE CHAIN ​​is a highly secure and reliable choice for businesses looking to implement blockchain in their current network architecture, as it is built to be resistant to quantum attacks.

OZONE CHAIN is a blockchain-based platform that has integrated their technology with the latest in quantum security, by design this project will provide enhanced security for critical applications.

It is the world’s first quantum-resistant blockchain that offers a decentralized platform for developers to build secure, easy-to-use, scalable decentralized applications (dApps) without any compromise on security. It is a highly reliable platform that uses advanced cryptographic techniques to secure all transactions on it.

The integration of quantum security technology in the OZONE CHAIN makes it an ideal platform to solve the problems faced by quantum computers. This is because quantum computers can pose a significant threat to blockchain networks in a traditional way, as they can easily crack the cryptographic algorithms used in these systems.

But with a quantum-resistant design, the project will ensure that its network remains secure against such threats. The platform is built to withstand attacks from quantum computers, making it a highly secure choice for building mission-critical dApps.

The OZONE CHAIN provides an ideal environment for developers to build easy-to-use, scalable dApps with low transaction fees. The platform offers an easy-to-use development environment that enables developers to quickly create powerful, feature-rich applications.

The platform also provides high-speed transaction processing capabilities, making it an attractive choice for applications that require fast and efficient processing. In addition, low transaction fees mean developers can save money on building and deploying their applications in the Ozone Chain.

One of the key features of the OZONE CHAIN is its quantum-resistant consensus mechanism. The consensus algorithm used in the Ozone Chain is specifically designed to resist attacks from quantum computers. It can utilize post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, which are impervious to the computing power of quantum computers. This can also ensure that the integrity and security of the blockchain will remain intact, even in the face of quantum threats.

Some of the important features have been precisely summarized in the following:


Ozone Chain Wallet is a client-side interface for free and allows users to communicate with the Quantum Blockchain. Users can create wallets, transfer cryptocurrency assets, stake, and do much more with the help of an open, easy-to-use platform.

The Ozone Chain Wallet allows users to;

  • Create a new wallet.
  • Log into the user’s existing wallet with a seed phrase.
  • Install and get rewards
  • Send and receive OZO coins.
  • Read the latest feeds
  • Contact support for assistance.


Ozone Scan is a page for blockchain explorers that allows users to search for details about the OZONE CHAIN. users can look up transaction information, block information, wallet addresses, and other on-chain data using Ozone Scan.


Learn in full about the Top Collection of NFTs, Built in the Ozone Chain Ecosystem. OZONE CHAIN NFT Marketplace will bring together crypto enthusiasts both artists and innovators to produce and trade their best NFTs.


To be able to ensure engagement in governance and block creation, the OZONE CHAIN uses a staking model. Ozone divides some authority and influence among its members through governance.

Validators will decide together through the proposal selection procedure based on the OZO coins staked whether to become a Validator node, engage in Staking, Burning, and also to advance OZONE in the future. OZONE CHAIN governance also applies to the selection process.

Governance uses the staking paradigm to allocate authority and influence to pre-selected validators. In the OZONE CHAIN platform, it can ensure equality for all users.


PQC can refer to any cryptographic algorithm (this is usually a public key algorithm) that is secure against cryptanalytic attacks by quantum computers.


Scalability is another important aspect of the OZONE CHAIN platform. This is based on the need for blockchain networks to handle large volumes of transactions, OZONE CHAIN has now implemented innovative solutions to achieve scalability without compromising security.

By utilizing sharding techniques and optimizing network protocols, OZONE CHAIN is able to process a large number of transactions per second while maintaining network resilience and security.


User-friendliness is the main focus of the OZONE CHAIN project, as the platform aims to make blockchain technology accessible to all users from various backgrounds. The OZONE CHAIN will provide developers with easy-to-use tools and resources to develop secure, scalable applications for critical domains. The platform offers a comprehensive software development kit (SDK) and application programming interface (API) that will simplify the development process and enable developers to take advantage of the advanced security features of the OZONE CHAIN.


OZONE CHAIN is a quantum-resilient blockchain platform that provides a secure, scalable, and user-friendly environment for building mission-critical dApps. The integration of cutting-edge quantum security technologies makes it a highly reliable platform that can withstand attacks from quantum computers.

This is an ideal option for developers who want to create applications that require high-security standards without compromising on user-friendliness and scalability.

With low transaction fees and fast processing capabilities, this project is the best choice for businesses that want to build decentralized applications.

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