The 5 Best Things about Attendance Management System

Kuunal Anejaa
5 min readApr 1, 2020


Many methods are introduced in the corporate world to keep a track of working hours of employees. An Attendance Management system is an integral part of any organization, be it educational, or business oriented.

While a corporate expects its employees to fill in their own timesheets, it affects the employees’ productivity. This kind of manual timekeeping practice may have several disadvantages, such as inaccuracies, tampering, and much more.

This is where an Attendance Management system comes into importance. Without a proper system to screen the attendance and the working hours of employees, organizations have to face various unprofessional and avoidable errors.

Nowadays, keeping in mind the fear of the coronavirus pandemic, the government has put restrictions on the usage of the traditional biometric systems. This was done to prevent the spread of the viral infection. This is where truMe comes in. It has brought about a revolution in Attendance Management system, replacing the need of sophisticated hardware with easily available mobile phones.

What is an Attendance Management system?

Attendance Management is basically the process to counter the flow of employee time theft. It involves tracking the working hours of the employee, log-in hours, check-out time, departures, breaks, and vacation days.

Organizations keep track of this information by using a number of methods. Traditionally, punching cards were used, which were ultimately replaced by modern access cards and spreadsheet software. Nowadays, as a result of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, organizations have been compelled to shift to something revolutionary. However, we believe that this shift was long due and the new systems will thrive and be patronized long after the Covid18 crisis dies down due to its edge over the earlier biometric method.

The Attendance Management system designed by truMe is a concrete solution to this problem. It complies with all the government and medical regulations and strictly demotes the use of physical contact.

The 5 best things about TruMe’s Attendance Management system:

According to a statistical survey by Kessler International, a staggering 80% of employees have admitted to stealing company’s time. Despite the glaring importance of this issue, small businesses and institutes often neglect an essential element to counter it: a proper Attendance Management system.

Here are the 5 best things about an Attendance Management system:

Promotes touch-free attendance.
A key counter-attack to the malicious Corona virus pandemic is to maintain a considerable social-distance. One of the ways to do this is to reduce the need to touch each-other or common surfaces needlessly. That is why the use of traditional biometric systems is not appropriate in today’s environment.

truMe’s revolutionary Attendance Management system tackles this problem with its unique ability to track attendance without the need to touch anything. With their smart AMs, you will also have the ability to use face recognition system/QR/App, without any hassle.

Increases productivity and efficiency.
If you have to keep track of attendance manually, it can be a tedious task. Because of its time-consuming, laborious, and expensive nature, it can reduce the productivity of employees.
It will take some time to process spreadsheets, and go through all the time cards. You will also need to work extra to keep track of the calendar, vacation days, and overtime. Organizations can tackle all of this with the help of an efficient Attendance Management system. Here some of the ways it can help increase productivity:

It frees up administration time by keeping track of the data automatically.

It can manage payroll in an efficient manner.

It saves you the trouble from any holes or leak in the data.

Easy visibility, readily available insights
Attendance Management is a tedious task in itself. But if you also have to prepare regular reports on the data, it becomes hectic. Here’s how you can avoid this using an automated Attendance Management system:

It can generate precise reports and sheets on working hours, leaves, overtime, and so on.

Developers program such systems to be able to generate monthly summary/reports of any data.

It also allows freedom to produce customized information. You can separate selective keywords and information on any particular department with only a few clicks.

It upholds and increases visibility and transparency within any organization with a centralized data hub.

It offers room for improvement as well. Employees can analyze the given data and use it to make improvements. They can switch policies on different aspects of work such as leave, working hours, and so on.

Easy flow of work
An efficient Attendance Management system can increase the productive flow of work. With better visibility of easily accessible data, employees can be hands-off and concentrate on their own work.
Besides, it simplifies the work for supervisors in many ways:

Automated notifications and alerts are sent to the managers. They use this swift system to immediately approve or disapprove requests of their employees/ subordinates.

It cuts off any unnecessary need for communication between employees. As everything is automated, information will flow between employees and managers without any need to communicate verbally.

Managers can also use this system to schedule their calendars. They can design schedules for everyone, and allocate work to them in the best possible way.

It also becomes relatively easier for managers to keep a track of employees’ shifts and leaves.

Promotes Work-From-Home.
Amid the problems faced due to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, many companies have adopted a flexible work-from-home policy. This is possible only because of an efficient Attendance Management system, which can keep a track of the employees’ log-in time and more.

These Attendance Management systems have a wide range of clocking options that they can be used to keep a track of employees working from remote locations.

An Attendance Management system has many excellent benefits. All modern organizations should have a comprehensive system to keep a track of their employees. It is a healthy investment that can save you a lot of money. With flexible, secure and easy Attendance Management Solutions from truMe which are on a pay per use basis pricing, there is absolutely no reason for any corporation to not have an efficient Attendance Management system.

truMe Solutions, available on their website, cater to such needs of businesses and organizations. Now that you have all the information, what’s there to think about?

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