SYN tokens — the reward for information you create unintentionally and systematically

4 min readDec 25, 2017


Reviewing the last months’ ICO projects, I have already written about ICO scam and HYIP, then about the projects that seemed funny.

Now it is the turn of projects, which are really useful not only for their developers but also for humanity (in my humble opinion). ;-)

The first of them concerned one of the most vital problems for all the humanity — electricity generation (WePower).

The token project under scrutiny today is Synapse AI — a kind of a global decentralized blockchain platform or a de facto brain that anyone can help build and tap into. Everybody knows that AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. A lot of people are waiting for it to come as soon as possible and spare their lives from a lot of everyday problems. There are hundreds of aspects and areas of AI systems implementation.

Synapse AI reminds us that people have given their data away to companies in exchange for centralized access to applications and services. Examples include uploading and tagging photos, tracking and sharing one’s location and access to transaction history. This information is of great value to consumer goods manufacturers as it helps them to study consumers’ behaviour and finally satisfy their demand in any area.

The Synapse AI team thinks that we must create AI economies where any agent can participate in and receive some reward for doing so to provide a fair and balanced intelligence available to all equally.

By opening this data and using machine learning models through decentralized marketplace formats on the blockchain, and by tokenizing contributors, Synapse AI can create syndicates that provide the greatest benefit to users everywhere.

Only few people realize that, whether it is a device that connects to media, an app or a web-based service, we consistently create data. Now one can choose which data to share in Synapse decentralized data and AI marketplace, and be compensated for it. The data that is available for purchase through Synapse decentralized data and AI marketplace can be used to grow your business or organization no matter the industry you’re in, including but not limited to: Advertising/Marketing, Entertainment/Media, Education and Universities, Pharma, CPC and more…

To put it in simple words: Synapse AI lets ordinary users get paid for their data. Users can earn rewards (in SYN tokens) for contributing data to the platform. Users can redeem SYN tokens for services on the Synapse network. Or, they can trade tokens on major exchanges worldwide.

Anybody creating data (Synapse AI calls them Agents) which can be human or machine, contributes to data pools within the system. Data pool is a single or correlated piece of data which can be given specific labels by an agent. Data pools help to set a model, which is a characteristic or pattern of behaviour that can be picked up and understood by any agent. This in turn creates a service which is the output created through Synapse AI process which can be offered and negotiated within the marketplace.

Apparently, the commercial value for data buyers will bring only the data that can somehow be described and classified by known models of consumer behaviour. That is, the data that will help brand-owners sell as much goods as possible to the same consumers of goods and services.

Besides, this data can be used to train machine learning models, and these models, in turn, are used to build intelligent services and applications both internally and externally to help control all manner of resources.

Synapse AI tokenizes an agent’s work on the Synapse AI market using SYN utility tokens, thus facilitating an economy between participants and transferring value to those participants.

Synapse AI for the masses:

ICO features the sale of an ERC-20 Token built from an ethereum smart contract.

Token distribution:

33% Token Sale

33% Developer Fund

33% Company

1% Token Sale Costs

Token disbursement will happen 60 days after the public auction.

Pre-sale and ICO-Tier I closed already. ICO-Tier II starts February 3, 2018 and finishes March 3, 2018. ICO-Tier III planned for Spring 2018.

You can buy SYN Tokens with either of: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Lightcoin.

I hope SYN tokens will really be helpful first to ordinary users of smartphones and the Internet, like you and me, to be compensated for what we now involuntarily lose.

Merry Christmas and Happy Investments in 2018!

Author: Dickinson-junior

