UX Case Study: Revamping Weboasis Labs Website — Unleashing the Power of Design

5 min readJan 13, 2024


The all-new Weboasis Labs website can be checked here- Link

Main page


As a design intern at Weboasis Labs, I was presented with the opportunity to revamp the company website. The existing site was outdated, visually unappealing, and difficult to navigate, leading to poor user engagement and hindering our online presence. I approached this project with a user-centered approach, aiming to create a modern, intuitive, and engaging website that reflects our brand and effectively communicates our message to our target audience.


Weboasis Labs, a company specializing in Web3 design and engineering, possessed a website that felt unpolished and failed to accurately communicate its expertise and vision. The outdated design and confusing navigation hindered user engagement and conversion. As their design intern, I embarked on a transformative UX project to revitalize their online presence.

Design Process:

  1. Immersion and Research: To kick off the project, I immersed myself in the Weboasis Labs brand and culture. I studied our portfolio, client testimonials, and competitive landscape, gaining a deep understanding of our strengths and unique selling points. This research laid the foundation for a user-centered design approach.
  2. User Journey Mapping: Understanding the needs and expectations of our target audience was crucial. I conducted user interviews, analyzed website analytics, and mapped out the user journey to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement. This allowed me to align the redesign with user expectations and optimize the overall experience.
  3. Information Architecture and Wireframing: Armed with insights, I began restructuring the website’s information architecture to ensure intuitive navigation and logical content flow. I created wireframes, focusing on simplicity, clarity, and visual hierarchy to guide users through the website seamlessly.
  4. Visual Design and Brand Enhancement: Building upon the existing Weboasis Labs brand identity, I infused a fresh visual direction into the website. I crafted a modern and captivating visual design, incorporating vibrant colors, crisp typography, and engaging graphics. This brought our brand to life and instilled a sense of professionalism and creativity.
  5. Interaction Design and Prototyping: To enhance user engagement, I implemented interactive elements and microinteractions throughout the website. I crafted intuitive user interfaces, incorporating smooth transitions and subtle animations to create a delightful browsing experience. Through prototyping, I validated the usability and effectiveness of these interactions.
  6. Responsive Development and Testing: Collaborating closely with the development team, I ensured that the website design was flawlessly translated into a responsive and functional interface. Rigorous testing and iteration were conducted to guarantee compatibility across various devices, browsers, and screen sizes.

Diving more into the process overall:

  1. Collaborative Design Sprints:
  • Empathy Mapping: Working with the Web Oasis team, I facilitated empathy mapping sessions to understand user goals, pain points, and ideal website experiences.
  • Ideation and Sketching: Through rapid prototyping and iterative sketching, we brainstormed design solutions, focusing on intuitive navigation, impactful visuals, and clear value proposition communication.

2. Building the New Oasis:

  • Information Architecture: Based on user research findings, I drafted a new sitemap prioritizing content prioritization and simplified navigation pathways.
  • Wireframing and Prototyping: Using design tools, I created low-fidelity wireframes, followed by high-fidelity prototypes, iteratively incorporating feedback from the team and stakeholders.
  • Visual Design: Guided by Web Oasis’ brand identity, I crafted a modern and sophisticated aesthetic using clean lines, bold typography, and high-quality imagery.

3. User Testing and Refinement:

  • Usability Testing: I conducted A/B testing with various user groups to gather feedback on different design elements and interactions. This iterative process ensured user-friendliness and addressed potential usability issues.

4. Seamless Launch and Beyond:

  • Website Development: Collaborating with the development team, I ensured a smooth transition from design to development, guaranteeing pixel-perfect execution of the vision.
  • Post-Launch Monitoring and Analysis: We implemented website analytics tools to track user behavior and measure the effectiveness of the redesign. Additionally, ongoing user feedback remains crucial for continuous improvement.

The all-new Weboasis Labs website can be checked here- Link

How it turned out:

Outcome and Impact:

The revamped Weboasis Labs website has made a significant impact on our online presence and brand perception. The user-centric design approach has resulted in several notable achievements:

  1. Enhanced User Experience: Visitors to the website now enjoy a seamless and intuitive browsing experience, with improved navigation and access to relevant information. The refined information architecture has made it easier for users to explore our services, portfolio, and blog.
  2. Elevated Brand Perception: The new visual design has elevated our brand perception, portraying WebOasis as a dynamic and forward-thinking agency. The vibrant colors and engaging graphics reflect our creativity, while the clean and professional typography reinforces our expertise and reliability.
  3. Increased Conversion Rates: The revamped website has positively impacted our conversion rates, with a higher number of visitors engaging with our services and submitting inquiries. The intuitive user interfaces and persuasive call-to-action elements have effectively guided users towards desired actions.


Revamping Weboasis Lab’s website has been an exhilarating journey that allowed me to leverage my design skills and create a transformative digital experience. As a designer intern, I am proud to have contributed to our company’s online presence and witnessed the positive impact on our brand perception and business growth. The revamped website serves as a testament to the power of user-centric design and its ability to elevate a company’s digital presence in the market.

Future Recommendations:

Continuous monitoring and analysis of user behavior will be crucial to maintain the website’s effectiveness and address any evolving user needs. Additionally, incorporating A/B testing with different design elements and content can further optimize the website for performance and lead conversion.

Note: The information provided in this case study is based on my experience as a designer intern at Weboasis Labs and the successful launch of the revamped website. The actual outcomes and details may vary based on ongoing updates and improvements.

The all-new Weboasis Labs website can be checked here- Link

Also special thanks to the team for giving the opportunity! Do check out their works.

