Q&A session with Stanislav Sorokin on KVANTOR.NODE MVP

2 min readJul 21, 2018

Stanislav Sorokin, Solution Architect @ KVANTOR, answered the most popular questions of the KVANTOR community

Q: What is the current state functionality of the MVP?

A: At the moment we have implemented the pilot architecture of KVANTOR for the network of two participants. Basically, those might be two banks that want to establish mutual settlements with each other through the KVANTOR.NODE system. Within this product block, our team managed to provide full confidentiality of the information transmitted via a private bank channel. On the ‘public’ hand, the data that contains digital imprints of commercial information is open for public access. The whole thing is private but there’s a way to carry out an external audit on it.

Q: You mentioned full confidentiality. What is the basis of your conclusion on this?

A: That’s the way the technology works. You can not access information stored in a database that is not physically accessible. Hyperledger Fabric that we are using here establishes rules for storing information on the blockchain nodes. Therefore, if two participants agree on storing some information only on their servers, other participants are unable to access that information. This is the key difference between permissioned and public blockchain. Ethereum and Bitcoin use public blockchains, while KVANTOR has a permissioned one.

Q: Can I see either of the code on Github?

A: We will upload the code on Github in the nearest future. Since our solution is based on Hyperledger Fabric, the core of the system is written in the Go programming language. The client part of the demo is based on Vue.js.

Q: Does using Hyperledger Fabric make your project less unique?

A: Hyperledger Fabric provides a set of tools for working with blockchain, but the entire application part must be developed by the solution provider. Thus, KVANTOR is an application built on top of Hyperledger Fabric. It is unique. Also, because of the fact that Hyperledger Fabric is being developed actively, it holds some uniqueness in itself, too.

Q: What is the average time of integrating your software into a bank?

A: That really depends on every case given. There is still a lot of work to be done in order to develop a fully working industrial version of the software. I can assure you that our main focus here is to follow the standards that are accepted in the banking sector.

Q: When will we see the product itself?

A: We are to deploy a demo version of the software for interbank transfers soon. We have prepared this demo video for those who want to take a look at the product just right now.

