10 personal takeaways from the #HBSPLD

Kveta Vostra
2 min readJul 2, 2017

Today is the last day of HBS PLD24 — a journey that 160 invidivuals from around the world started 7 months ago. These are my top 10 takeaways from the program:

“With tears in my eyes, I’ve found true myself; the authenticity, my values, what I stand for and how I can help others.

Here, I was not a mom, I was not a wife, I was not a boss… it was only me. With all the pros and cons, without the baggage we carry on our shoulders “out there”. Those things we don’t like to put on our resume, the status, the stigma, the influence of others we live with, our colleagues, the family. For me, this was one of the biggest aspects of the transformation here.

  1. There are no right answers; we need to be bold & confident enough to tailor the solution and execute it with the best intent and have always an open mindset to iterate. This will be a never-ending (and fascinating) journey of exploration, success and failure.
  2. Renew. Every day and in every moment you need. Find the things that give you the superpower and make you fearless again. Swim. Run. Move. Breathe.
  3. Build relationships. Connect with people, be proactive, write them, call them, send them cards. Don’t expect anything in return.
  4. Everybody has a story to share that can inspire others. We should share these stories more often. They build trust and respect.
  5. At HBS, everyday is full of out of the comfort zone steps, risks, unknowns. Apply this behavior in your daily life. Even if it would be just one single thing per day at work or in your personal life. STEP OUT of your comfort zone, take a risk. You won’t regret it later.
  6. Eliminate the noise. You can’t do it all. Delegate. Focus on what you are the best at and be always fully there at the moment. Take your time to identify things that you won’t do, and list the things and activities that are important to you and give you energy.
  7. Stick to your passion, it’s your strength, not an irrelevant thing as you used to think before. Nurture it by doing what you love. Share it with others.
  8. Feedback is just someone’s else perspective. Take it or leave it. Make the decision what you will do with it in that very moment, otherwise it will hurt you.
  9. Keep asking. Don’t think you need to know everything. There is definitely someone in the room, who also doesn’t know.
  10. Never stop being grateful. Never stop expressing it anytime you can.

I would like to thank all the HBS faculty, the staff, all PLD24 cohort, my coach Deb Busser and my dearest husband

for making this wonderful experience happen to me. I will never forget. #forever24



Kveta Vostra

Building @Ytica, HBS alumn, mom and customer service freak.